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On Thursday, September 17, 2020, the provincial government released Stronger BC for Everyone:  BC’s Economic Recovery Plan.  The plan identified a number of initiatives that are designed to support people, businesses, and communities in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Following recent high-profile incidents of racism, this session provided an opportunity for delegates to explore the ways in which racism continues to manifest in Canada and concrete approaches to confronting systemic racism. The panel included Chief Dr. Robert Joseph,…
The Governor General, the Right Honourable Julie Payette, delivered the federal Throne Speech on September 23rd, which highlights the federal government’s priorities as Parliament prepares to resume. The Speech largely focusses on continued efforts to address the pandemic and…
The Union of British Columbia Municipalities presented its 2020 Community Excellence Awards at a ceremony broadcast from this year’s virtual convention. The awards showcase municipalities, regional districts, and First Nations that have implemented projects and programs…
Andrew Wilkinson, Leader of the Official Opposition, opened his address to UBCM delegates by criticizing the NDP decision to call an election in the midst of a pandemic, suggesting that his party was “sideswiped by the ambitions of John Horgan and the NDP," who have “embarked on…
On the opening day of convention, delegates had the opportunity to hear three distinguished panelists discuss leadership during a time of crisis. The Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of BC; Kim Baird, former Chief of the Tsawwassen First Nation, and; Dr. Bonnie Henry…
In a departure from the conventional podium speech, UBCM’s President Maja Tait sat down with 1st Vice President Brian Frankel, on camera, to review and discuss the organization’s past year. Councillor Frankel will inherit Mayor Tait’s presidential responsibilities at the…
Earlier today, delegates heard perspectives on how transit can recover and rebuild from the ridership and financial impacts of COVID-19. Representatives from transit agencies and local government addressed how the recently announced Safe Restart funding will help them recover,…
With the call of the provincial election today, there will be an added dimension as we welcome addresses from the three main party leaders at our annual convention. These speeches will be more closely watched than ever and will provide an early window into the direction of each…
UBCM is very pleased to welcome an address by the Honourable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, to delegates attending the 2020 Convention on Thursday September 24, 9:00 am (Pacific time). Minister Wilkinson has served as the Member of Parliament for…