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The province has fulfilled a commitment made in its Economic Recovery Plan by distributing $425 million under the federal Safe Restart Agreement to B.C.’s local governments. This federal/provincial funding will support facility reopening and operational costs along with local…
 UBCM is preparing its annual report on expenditures through the federal Gas Tax Fund and over the coming weeks we will providing highlights on the program and its impact on communities. This week we are profiling the program’s fastest growing investment category: recreational…
FireSmart BC is offering Local FireSmart Representative Workshops and FireSmart Canada has launched its 2021 Community Wildfire Preparedness Day program. The virtual workshops for FireSmart representatives run from December 2020 through to April 2021, and will be delivered in…
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations.  Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
On October 21-22, 2020, the Contract Management Committee (CMC), including representatives from provinces, territories and local governments, met with federal and RCMP representatives to discuss matters related to the RCMP Police Services Agreements. Key issues discussed at the…
Article 22 of the 2012 Provincial Police Service Agreement (PPSA) provides RCMP contract partners with a review mechanism to analyze and address any substantive issues, including financial and other significant provisions, at five-year intervals.  As part of the 2021-22 Five…
UBCM produces a local government Planner & Wall Calendar each year. The Planner & Wall Calendar note dates of importance for local governments including: Legislative dates Government association information Important conference dates Contact details for organizations…
On August 27, 2020, the RCMP Local Government Contract Management Committee met with provincial and RCMP representatives to discuss issues related to the RCMP contract and policing in British Columbia. Key issues discussed at the meeting are summarized in this article.  RCMP…
The Federal Government has now officially launched two previously announced initiatives: the first round of the Housing Supply Challenge, and the Rapid Housing Initiative. Applications for both initiatives are now open to eligible applicants including local governments. The…
The CleanBC Organic Infrastructure and Collection Program will provide up to $25.7 million in funding, over three years, for new or expanded organics processing infrastructure and residential curbside collections programs. The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change…