With the approval of the 2024-2034 Renewed Agreement, all signatories agreed that continuing to strengthen local governments’ capacity to undertake asset management is integral to building strong cities, communities and regions. The Agreement identifies that the CCBF Oversight Committee will consider asset management commitments under the following areas:
- Reporting on continuous improvement of asset management practices over the duration of the Agreement, including reporting through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Local Government Data Entry (LGDE) system,
- Development and implementation of long-term financial plans,
- Ongoing asset management education and training, and
- Implementing asset management performance measurement.
The approach to asset management identified by the Agreement is in strong alignment with Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework. In addition to the BC Framework, 4 Sustainable Service Delivery Primers have been developed, and further support asset management practices with respect to;
- Climate Change and Asset Management
- Integrating Natural Assets into Asset Management
- The Role of Operations & Maintenance in Asset Management
- Land Use Planning and Asset Management
Asset management is an integrated process, bringing together skills, expertise and activities of people; with information about a community’s physical assets; and finances; so informed decisions that support sustainable service delivery can be made.
To achieve sustainable service delivery, it is necessary that local governments assess, plan, and implement asset management practices that are tailored to the specific needs and capacity of individual local governments.
Reports and Surveys
Please refer to the Reports and Presentations page of the Canada Community-Building Fund directory on the left-hand side of your screen for UBCM reports and presentations related to asset management.
Tools and Resources
Tools and resources, and educational opportunities are available to local governments through Asset Management BC, a leader in building awareness, education, and supporting collaboration between local governments on the path toward sustainable service delivery.
The tools and resources provided can be used to support local governments with the development and implementation of asset management.
Be sure to visit UBCM’s Local Government Program Services for information on Asset Management Planning Grants.