Communications and Signage

Each local government that receives Canada Community-Building Funds has signed a funding agreement that includes a Communications Protocol. Schedule E, numbers 4-11 in the CCBC Administrative Agreement outlines requirements for local government ('Ultimate Recipients').

  • Local governments that receive annual CCBF allocations of greater than $400,000 should undertake at least one formal communication highlighting the use of funds each year.

  • Communities that receive funding through the Strategic Priorities Fund (SPF) should undertake formal communication highlighting the SPF project.

  • Canada and BC must be informed of communications plans with at least 15 working days’ notice to provide a representative or quote. Please contact UBCM Communications Officer, Zoë Ducklow (, 604-270-8226 ext. 222) to coordinate notice on your behalf.

  • Signage is recommended for any project that uses more than $100,000 from the CCBF.

Regular communications from British Columbia local governments are part of how the federal government reviews success of the CCBF program. Public coverage also supports UBCM’s ongoing advocacy for continued and increased funding through the CCBF.

See below for typical communications activities details and examples. Download a PDF version of these resources.