Responsible Conduct

Articles and updates related to responsible conduct for elected officials in BC's local governments. 

Deadline for feedback on mandatory codes of conduct & enforcement resources

UBCM is seeking comments from Councils, Boards and individual elected officials on potential changes to the framework that supports responsible conduct. The concepts of a mandatory code of conduct and three models for the administration and enforcement are explored in a recent discussion paper prepared by UBCM and the Local Government Management Association.

Discussion paper highlights new option for Code of Conduct enforcement

A new discussion paper for local government explores the potential of mandatory codes of conduct and models for their administration and enforcement. The paper, Potential for Change, follows a succession of UBCM resolutions that call for changes to the responsible conduct framework for local elected officials. It weighs the merits of a province-wide office of integrity and introduces a new option for local governments to consider to support code of conduct enforcement.

Resources for developing & improving codes of conduct

Local governments in British Columbia are required by legislation to consider implementing or upgrading a Code of Conduct within the first six months of the first regular council/board meeting following a general local election. The Working Group on Responsible Conduct (WGRC) has developed a set of resources to assist local governments with the development and updating of Codes of Conduct, including necessary considerations for dealing with complaints, resolving conduct issues informally and establishing enforcement procedures.

Strengthening responsible conduct

Delegates at the UBCM heard a call for higher standards of conduct to ensure that Councils and Boards increasingly reflect the diversity of local communities, during a clinic earlier today.  “I have spoken with far too many people – women, and marginalized persons – who have been made to feel unwelcome when elected into office,” said Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Affairs.

Legislative amendments would require Code of Conduct consideration

The Government of BC introduced legislative amendments to the Community Charter, Vancouver Charter and Local Government Act that would require local governments to consider adopting or updating a Code of Conduct within 6 months after their first regular council or regional district board meeting. This proposed new requirement responds to a resolution (SR3) that was endorsed by the UBCM membership at the 2021 convention.

Preventing & responding to elected official conduct issues

A new resource provides guidance on ways to prevent conduct issues by local elected officials, and how best to deal with them if they do arise. Developed by the Working Group on Responsible Conduct (WGRC), this guide provides advice on fostering responsible conduct, maintaining good governance and resolving conduct issues for those who serve on Councils and Boards.