Resolutions Database

Displaying 1 - 20 of 4361
Year Sort descending NumberResolution TitleConvention DecisionSponsor(s)
2020EB66Working Forest ReserveEndorsedPort Alberni
2020EB18Secondary Rural Road MaintenanceEndorsedSunshine Coast RD
2020NR17BC Cannabis Regulation Section 37 Not Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveCentral Kootenay RD
2020EB24Active Transportation Infrastructure Highways ProjectsEndorsedChase
2020NEB9Access to Emergency Health ServicesNot EndorsedPort Coquitlam
2020EB58Provincial Tools for Building Energy BenchmarkingEndorsedVancouver
2020NR2Amend Section 86 of the Community Charter to Include Prohibit in Relation to BusinessEndorsedNorth Vancouver District
2020EB59ICBC Data for GHG Reduction EffortsEndorsedSquamish
2020EB6Funding for Rural Community Policing ResourcesEndorsedCariboo RD
2020EB87Assistance with Step Code ImplementationEndorsedSmithers
2020EB19Public Highway Designation for Resource RoadsReferred to UBCM ExecutiveTahsis
2020NR59Cannabis Enforcement and Regulation within the Agricultural Land ReserveNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveMaple Ridge
2020SR1New Emergency Management LegislationEndorsedUBCM Executive
2020NR77Community to Community Forum GrantsNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutivePort Hardy
2020EB62Stormwater ManagementEndorsedSunshine Coast RD
2020NR43BC Water ResourcesNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveCentral Kootenay RD
2020C1Funding to Implement Emergency Program Act ChangesNot Admitted for DebateCache Creek
2020NEB7Varied Tax Rate for the Residential ClassNot EndorsedLangley City
2020EB42Re-Examining Municipal Pension Plan DivestmentEndorsedVancouver
2020NR44Water Conservation and Grey Water UseNot Considered - Automatic Referral to ExecutiveNorth Vancouver District