
Updates from the Local Government Contract Management Committee, articles related to policing advocacy, legislation, policy, and relevant news. 

Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee Update

On December 3rd, the Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee (LGCMC) met with provincial government and B.C. RCMP representatives to discuss issues related to the Municipal Police Unit Agreements, and policing more broadly in British Columbia. Key issues discussed at the meeting, along with recent changes to the membership of the LGCMC, are summarized in this article. 

Budget 2025: New funding for homelessness, addictions and street disorder

With a trade war now underway, the BC Government introduced a budget earlier today that continues to invest in provincial services while attempting to shore up the provincial economy. Incremental new spending has been targeted for local government priorities, including homelessness response, addiction treatment, street disorder and affordable housing. Longer-term challenges lay ahead, however, with a growing debt and still unknown impacts from tariffs to the provincial economy and government revenue.

Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee update

Earlier this summer, the Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee met with representatives from the provincial government and BC RCMP to discuss issues related to the Municipal Police Unit Agreements, and policing more broadly in British Columbia. Key issues discussed at the meeting are summarized in this article. 

Next Generation 911

The Committee received an update regarding the implementation of Next Generation 911 (NG911) in British Columbia, including: