Feedback & Input

Opportunities for members to give feedback, have input, participate in advisory groups, and more.

Opportunity to participate: Connectivity in rural and remote communities

The Regional Connectivity Knowledge Network’s next meeting is February 4, 1-3 pm PST. Staff from the Ministry of Citizens’ Services will provide updates on provincial connectivity funding programs, and the work underway to extend high-speed internet to every household in BC. Indigenous or local government elected officials and senior staff are welcome to attend. Content is focused on connectivity in rural and remote communities.

Call for partners: International Climate Action

Local governments are invited to submit an expression of interest to participate in the Inclusive Climate Action for Tunisian Municipalities (ICATM) program, which runs from March 2024 to February 2029. Implemented by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and its Tunisian partner, the International Development Center for Innovative Local Governance (CILG), this initiative focuses on strengthening the climate resilience of Tunisian municipalities while promoting equity and inclusion.

Bylaw Adjudication Program survey

The Province is seeking input from local governments to better understand issues impacting the Bylaw Adjudication Program. Local governments are encouraged to complete the Province’s survey, which will remain open until September 25, 2024. The Bylaw Adjudication Program provides B.C. local governments with an alternative out-of-court approach to adjudicating bylaw infractions.