Latest News

The Community Energy Association has launched a new interactive tool that allows any community in BC see their current GHG emissions, their future emissions without action, and the results of high-impact actions to reduce emissions. To see the Climate Action Planner in action,…
UBCM has reviewed the campaign commitments of the three main parties in the 2020 Provincial election in comparison with the priorities set out our election platform.
UBCM’s 2020 Election platform focuses on the need for a partnership between the province and local government in order to rebuild the economy. Sustainable economic recovery will require robust public transit service, broadband access in underserved regions, affordable childcare…
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
The application deadline for the Fall 2020 intake of the Housing Needs Report funding program has been extended until November 13, 2020. Applicant eligibility has been expanded to include Treaty First Nations (as defined by the Interpretation Act). Prospective applicants should…
Nominations are being sought for one UBCM representative on the PRIMECorp BC Board of Directors. The successful applicant shall be subject to approval by the Board. Nominations will be accepted by UBCM until 4:30 p.m. on November 4, 2020. PRIMECorp is the organization that…
Achieving innovation goals, whether you are a major city, a smaller town, or a rural community, requires time, talent, and budget. Mitacs, a national, not-for-profit organization that has designed and delivered research and training programs in Canada for 20 years, is now…
Two Community Emergency Preparedness Fund streams have upcoming application deadlines, and new intakes have been announced for three other streams for 2021. Evacuation Route Planning has an application deadline November 6, 2020 and Structural Flood Mitigation was rescheduled…
The Federal Government last week announced a $1 billion Rapid Housing Initiative. The initiative will be administered by the CMHC and will receive applications to cover the costs of construction of modular housing, conversion of existing buildings to affordable housing, and land…
The Province has extended the streamlined process allowing food primary, liquor primary and manufacturer licensees to obtain Temporary Expanded Service Area (TESA) authorization for an additional year. The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) will be contacting affected…