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The provincial government has released a summary report of feedback provided in response to its discussion paper, Modernizing BC’s Emergency Management Legislation. Emergency Management BC’s ‘What We Heard’ report also advises that the Province plans to table new emergency…
The Provincial Urban Deer Cost Share (PUDOCS) Program provides local governments or First Nations with funds to help address urban deer management challenges through operational or research projects. The program application is now available. The Province will make up to $100,000…
The resolutions session of the 2020 Convention was held on Wednesday, September 23. A summary of the decisions from the proceedings is now available. The official results of the resolutions will appear in the Convention minutes.
The Community Energy Association is pleased to announce the 2020 Climate & Energy Action Award Winners. The awards are organized annually by the Community Energy Association in partnership with the Province of British Columbia, Union of BC Municipalities, BC Hydro, FortisBC…
This morning, delegates were treated to the critical mind and perceptive words of Margaret Atwood as Simi Sara and Atwood shared the virtual stage to explore the themes of climate change, COVID-19, and community. The conversation opened on the topic of community and Atwood spoke…
Addressing UBCM delegates from Ottawa, federal Environment and Climate Change Minister Jonathan Wilkinson offered his government’s support for local governments in BC in the very difficult, indeed extraordinary times in which we find ourselves. Minister Wilkinson acknowledged…
Green Party of BC leader Sonia Furstenau addressed delegates earlier today, highlighting the role of local communities and the importance of collaborative governance as British Columbia tackles COVID-19, illicit drugs, and climate change. Furstenau charged that “it takes a kind…
NDP leader John Horgan highlighted actions by his party through the period of the pandemic in an address to delegates earlier today. Mr. Horgan was interviewed by Metro Vancouver Chair Sav Dhaliwal at the invitation of the party leader. Horgan emphasized the importance placed on…
There will be lots for us to discuss after this year’s Convention, which makes your feedback more important than ever. Please take a few moments to tell us how we did by completing our survey.
The results of the Executive elections are now complete. The following have been elected with the completion of the runoff earlier today for the role of Third Vice President. Third Vice President Mayor Ange Qualizza, City of Fernie Director at Large ·      Councillor Gord…