5 Minutes With

5 Minutes With: the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia

Politicians expect public scrutiny as a regular part of the job, but personal attacks, especially on social media, have increased noticeably. One workshop at Convention 2024 focused on mental health of elected leaders. UBCM spent five minutes with one panelist, the Honourable Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.

UBCM: Do you think the challenge of mental health for elected officials is getting worse?

5 Minutes With: a northern community CAO, Milo MacDonald

Across BC, local governments are taking action to maintain public safety and address mental health and addiction issues. Every year the UBCM Convention plenary session delves into an issue being faced by all local governments, rural, urban and in between. This year the focus is the complex intersection of the toxic drug crisis, public use concerns and the impacts on communities, and their police, fire departments, and other local first responders. UBCM spent 5 minutes with one panelist, the CAO of Fort St. John Milo MacDonald to learn more.

5 Minutes With: a local chief and mayor, Nasu?kin Heidi Gravelle and Mayor Nic Milliagan

On the first day of Convention 2024, a province wide community-to-community forum was hosted by UBCM and the First Nations Leadership Council. To learn about their experience developing a relationship between a First Nation and local government, UBCM spent five minutes with a local mayor and chief Nasu?kin Heidi Gravelle, elected chief of Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqⱡi’it First Nation (Tobacco Plains Indian Band) and Nic Milligan is the mayor of neighbouring City of Fernie. (Nasu?kin is the Ktunaxa word for chief.)