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The Local Government Leadership Academy has announced that Nora Young, CBC Radio Talk Show Host and author of the book the “The Virtual Self” will be the keynote speaker at the Annual Leadership Forum to be held February 3-4. Program Highlights have been posted on the events…
The bilateral Expert Panel on Housing Supply and Affordability has released an interim “What We Heard” report following initial stakeholder consultations. The Panel is now accepting feedback on the report until January 15, 2021 and will deliver a final report to Canada and BC in…
The National Disaster Mitigation Program (NDMP) is currently accepting proposals from local governments seeking to understand and address flood risk. Interested parties have until midnight on January 7, 2021 to submit a proposal and supporting documentation to Emergency…
A new intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning and Action program has been announced by the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The new intake deadline is March 5, 2021. The intent of the Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program continues to be…
The Federal Government has introduced legislation to bring laws of Canada into alignment with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Bill C-15, introduced on December 3, affirms UNDRIP as an international human rights instrument “with…
On December 7th, the Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin delivered the Speech from the Throne to open the next session of the Legislature. The speech outlined steps taken by the provincial government to address the impacts of Covid-19 on British Columbians as well as commitments to…
UBCM has released its recommendations on how British Columbia’s local governments can move towards a low-carbon future.  Developed by UBCM’s Special Committee on Climate Action and approved by the UBCM Executive, the recommendations outline concrete actions that can be taken for…
On December 1, 2020, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Emergency Management BC announced the launch of the new $136 million COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (CVRIS) under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The CVRIS will support projects that…
Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding programs. A complete and chronological listing (by intake deadline) of currently offered Local Government Program Services grants is also available on the UBCM website. …
The Province has announced a new one-time funding program, the Adaptation, Resilience & Disaster Mitigation (ARDM) Program, to fund structural and natural infrastructure projects that address the risk of flooding and flood-related hazards up to a value $10 million. The…