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Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety Minister and Solicitor General, announced ministerial orders today that have immediate and direct relevance of local government service delivery in relation to COVID-19 response. Minister Farnworth suspended local states of emergency in…
The administration of provincially-funded grant programs is continuing at UBCM, during the COVID-19 pandemic, including adjudication of intakes that closed before March 15, 2020, review of final reports and processing of all payments.  We are implementing a few changes to ensure…
Please be advised that Gas Tax Program Services is open for business and will continue to deliver programming, claims and contract management during standard business hours until further notice.  We are implementing a few changes to provide additional flexibility during this…
The federal government will provide $52 billion in direct assistance to workers amid the COVID-19 outbreak, Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced today. The government also committed to ensuring that laid off workers will be able to access the benefits within 10 days of…
Both the Province and Federal Government have announced wide-ranging measures to support households facing economic hardship due to COVID-19. Measures announced to-date address mortgage holders, renters and vulnerable populations, and include the following: Federal Government or…
The Passenger Transportation Board is giving commercial inter-city bus (ICB) operators the option to temporarily reduce or suspend scheduled services their licence requires them to provide.  This temporary option gives bus companies the flexibility to respond quickly to changing…
In support of recommendations by the BC Public Health Officer to maintain social distance, the Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia (LTSA) has implemented temporary changes during these extraordinary times with respect to witnessing requirements when executing…
Public Health Emergency Declared Provincial officials have declared a public health emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement gives the Public Health Officer special powers under the Public Health Act, including the ability to issue verbal orders and the…
COVID-19 and Local Government Preparedness In order to strengthen collaboration among all orders of government in our collective response to COVID-19, local governments are advised to monitor updates provided by the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, the Provincial…
UBCM is seeking examples of existing child care planning resources to inform the development of a best practices guide on child care planning. The Guide will address a range of topics, including: developing child care strategies and plans; financing child care; designing,…