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The Province has announced decampment plans to transition people living in major homeless camps in Vancouver and Victoria into temporary accommodations during the COVID-19 crisis. This builds on additional measures undertaken by BC Housing, non-profits, health authorities, local…
The $50-million Connecting British Columbia program now includes a funding stream to help internet service providers with immediate network equipment upgrades to rapidly improve capacity and internet speeds in underserved communities throughout the province. Connecting British…
ICBC has implemented some changes to help customers manage the financial impacts of COVID-19.  Fleet customers can choose to suspend their insurance and do not have to cancel their plates. If they have already cancelled, the new plate fee will be waived when they re-plate or add…
On April 23, 2020, the Provincial Health Officer released guidelines to reduce and mitigate the risks of COVID-19 for all tree planters in response to forestry and silviculture being defined as essential services. All tree planters will be subject to strict screening procedures…
UBCM is adding its voice in support of a report by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) indicating the need for a minimum of $10 billion in emergency operating funding, with an additional $2.4 billion for communities with transit systems, to be provided through a…
UBCM is pleased to announce that Pacific Blue Cross (PBC) has been chosen as the preferred proponent in the UBCM Group Benefits Plan Marketing Review.  The continuation of our longstanding relationship builds on 36 years of valued partnership and collaborative efforts in…
Under the authority of the Emergency Program Act, the provincial government has announced new tools to support enforcement of ministerial orders. Effective immediately, police and other enforcement authorities, including bylaw officers, may issue $2,000 violation tickets for a…
The recently announced federal Economic Response Plan includes provisions to clean up orphaned and inactive oil and gas wells in Western provinces. British Columbia, which has 350 orphaned wells, will see $120 million through this new initiative. This provision responds to…
Local Governments may now submit their 2019 Gas Tax Annual Expenditure Report through UBCM’s online Program Information Management System (PIMS). All Local Governments are required to submit project and financial details for Gas Tax funded projects between January 1 and December…
The provincial government introduced temporary changes to B.C.’s property tax framework to provide financial support for businesses and local governments earlier today. Among the changes introduced, local governments will have the ability to borrow, interest-free, from their…