Latest News

UBCM is seeking new local government staff members for its Working Group on Liquor Policy. The Working Group was established following the 2014 liquor policy review, as part of a provincial commitment to work with local governments in the development of liquor policy. It also…
Executive members met in Victoria over February 19-21 to hold their quarterly Committee and board meetings. Executive members also met with MLAs from all parties to share local government perspectives on local government consultation, local government finance and climate action…
UBCM’s Executive was in Victoria last week to raise awareness of key policy priorities. Over two days, Executive members met with 34 MLAs from all parties, including Premier John Horgan, 9 ministers, the leader of the Official Opposition, and both caucus chairs. Meetings…
The Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) stream for Evacuation Route Planning has an upcoming application deadline of Friday, April 17th. The intent of this grant is to support communities to develop Evacuation Route Plans for communities that would otherwise be…
UBCM has produced a broad overview of local government feedback expressed as part of the ongoing Emergency Program Act review. This document has been forwarded to Emergency Management BC (EMBC) for consideration as the Province contemplates significant changes to its emergency…
Finance Minister Carole James delivered the provincial budget in the legislature Tuesday. Minister James announced a surplus in the current fiscal year of $203 million, with projections of modest surpluses between $179 and $374 million over three years. The budget provided…
Provincial responses to the resolutions from the 2019 UBCM Convention are now available. UBCM is also providing correspondence to the sponsors of each resolution to the share the relevant provincial response. An addendum will follow with additional responses and will be posted…
Local governments are invited to attend a Transport Canada information session about the Rail Safety Improvement Program (RSIP). This federal program provides grant funding to improve railway crossings so that the crossings meet the requirements of the Rail Safety Grade…
Each month, we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
The Union of BC Municipalities will be hosting workshops across the province this spring, focusing on grant programs delivered by UBCM – including the Gas Tax Fund, and Local Government Program Services – and Asset Management in British Columbia. This learning opportunity will…