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Nathan Cullen, Minister of Municipal Affairs delivered an engaging and heartfelt address to delegates earlier today. Minister Cullen announced a $10 million program to support local governments and modern Treaty First Nations by making data available to help inform decisions and…
In her address to delegates Wednesday, Sonia Furstenau, leader of the BC Green Party, reflected on meeting in person for the first time since 2019, and reminded delegates that it is a “chance to reconnect” and commented on “how inspiring it is to be among people who are so…
A provincial policy session at the Convention Tuesday received an update on old growth deferral areas and the status of the 14 recommendations from the Old Growth Strategic Review accepted by the Province in 2020. Representatives from the Ministry of Forests and the Ministry of…
Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart and Vanderhoof Councillor Brian Frenkel introduced an initiative for local governments, Local Leaders for Mental Health (LLMH), to UBCM convention delegates earlier today. They were joined by Kim Mackenzie, Policy Director with the Canadian Mental…
The current state of B.C.’s health care system was the focus of the plenary policy session at UBCM earlier today. Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, was joined by a panel drawn from healthcare professions and local government. The session ran as local government leaders…
A study session Monday provided delegates with a powerful and meaningful discussion on the ongoing work by community leaders advancing initiatives supporting more inclusive and diverse local governments. MLA Grace Lore, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, provided…
Three island mayors from diverse communities – Victoria, Port Alberni and Duncan – shared stories of their successes in setting up transitional housing for those experiencing homelessness. Mayor Lisa Helps from the City of Victoria reviewed how the City worked with organizations…
A study session Monday at UBCM’s Convention explored how municipalities and regional districts can advance reconciliation with neighbouring indigenous communities through meaningful action. The presentation also included two provincial updates on the implementation of the…
Delegates at the UBCM heard a call for higher standards of conduct to ensure that Councils and Boards increasingly reflect the diversity of local communities, during a clinic earlier today.  “I have spoken with far too many people – women, and marginalized persons – who have…
Delegates are advised that due to a remote system failure, electronic voting will not be available this year. Voting during resolution sessions will take place by raising voting cards provided at the time of registration. In the event of close votes, the Chair will call for a…