Latest News

The Province has initiated two engagement processes of specific interest to forest communities - Forest and Range Practices Act (FRPA) Improvement Initiative and a review of the Private Managed Forest Land Program (PMFLP). UBCM will be responding to both engagement processes…
Premier Horgan has announced the renewal of the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) with $31 million in new funding. The program supports community resiliency in the face of wildfires, floods and other emergencies. CEPF will provide two new funding streams, and will be…
Is your community implementing actions related to active transportation, electric vehicles, building energy retrofits, energy efficient new buildings, renewable or district energy, organics diversion, or climate change adaptation? Receive recognition for your work by applying…
A Management Advisory Board has been established to provide the RCMP Commissioner with external advice on the administration of the RCMP. This comes in response to reviews conducted by the Civilian Review and Complains Commission and former Auditor General Sheila Fraser that…
UBCM's annual resolutions process provides a forum for its membership to identify common issues, express concerns and develop united positions. Local governments that missed the deadline for submissions to Area Association meetings may directly submit resolutions to UBCM until…
Did you know that UBCM provides Group Benefits insurance coverage to over 3,000 employees employed in the municipal sector and provincial affiliated community based agencies? This purchasing power of over 125 municipalities creates economies of scale and lowers overall costs.…
Executive members met in Richmond May 15-17 for their quarterly Committee and board meetings. Executive members received a delegation from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Honourable Selina Robinson as part of the Friday board meeting.  Highlights of the May…
The Ministry of Agriculture has undertaken legislative and regulatory amendments that change provincial policy on cannabis production in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). A key change is the classification of all cannabis production in the ALR as farm use. As a result,…
UBCM, in partnership with CivicInfo BC and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs, is pleased to support the 2019 Local Government Awareness Week, May 19-25. This annual initiative is aimed at building public awareness of local government roles and encouraging participation in local…
The Province of British Columbia is providing $5 million in funding to support volunteer and composite fire departments with grants for equipment and training. Local governments and all First Nations in BC will be eligible to apply for up to $25,000 towards the purchase of fire…