EAD Forum Registration Deadline & Agenda

Publishing Date

The Electoral Area Directors’ (EAD) Forum will be held on February 4 and 5, 2020 at the Radisson Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond, BC. The Forum provides an opportunity for electoral area directors to identify challenges and discuss potential solutions. The conference is open to electoral area directors and their alternates, regional district chairs, and regional district staff. Registration is open until January 17. 

Delegates may contact the Radisson Hotel directly at 604.279.8394 to book accommodations under the LGLA/UBCM block for a discounted rate. Details for the Forum are available on the UBCM website.

To date, the following are the confirmed topics and speakers for the Forum: 

  • Community Safety Amendment Act (Katelyn MacKellen, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General)
  • Emergency Program Act (Leon Gaber, EMBC)
  • Community Resiliency Investment Program Update (Yana Stratemeyer and Kelly Osbourne, Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations) 
  • Agriculture Panel (Honourable Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture; Kim Grout, ALC)
  • Mayor Maja Tait, UBCM President
  • Affordable Housing and Short Term Rentals (Regina Sadilkova, Thompson-Nicola Regional District; Jada Basi, CitySpaces Consulting; Virginia Holden, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing)
  • Emergency Health Services: Collaborative Agreements (Derek Rains, Ministry of Health; Nancy Kotani, BCEHS; Neil Lilly, BCEHS)

UBCM would like to thank Lidstone and Company for sponsoring the lunch on February 4th; and Young Anderson for sponsoring the evening reception.