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The UBCM Executive held its quarterly Committee and board meetings virtually over May 18-21. Executive members also met with Cabinet Ministers and MLAs from all parties to share local government perspectives on three priorities - UNDRIP implementation; local government finance;…
Image The Province of BC recently announced this would be the final year for the current CARIP program. Since that time UBCM has heard from many of our members expressing concern about this decision. Recently the UBCM Executive met with…
Following a report by Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc identifying the location of a mass burial site containing the remains of 215 children on the property of a former residential school, UBCM president Brian Frenkel is urging colleagues to take time to mourn the lost children and…
On May 21, the provincial government launched BC Road Safety Strategy 2025: A Collaborative Framework for Road Safety. Guided by the Road Safety Strategy Steering Committee, of which UBCM is a member, this revitalized strategy provides a clear vision of provincial road safety to…
Image UBCM has written to Attorney General David Eby in response to a City of Penticton request regarding the Province’s invocation of paramountcy in relation to the operation of a shelter. UBCM’s letter urges the province to uphold the…
Image UBCM’s Executive is holding its 8th annual Advocacy Days virtually this year.  Over the next two days, Executive members will meet with thirty four (34) MLAs from all parties to raise awareness of UBCM’s priorities.  The focus this year…
As part of this year’s Local Government Awareness Week, the proclamation has recognized the importance of asset management, in supporting local governments deliver community services, by proclaiming today Asset Management Awareness Day. Local Government Awareness Week 2021 (May…
The Internet speed study project team has encouraged Indigenous and local governments who wish to participate in the study to complete the online questionnaire; and ask their residents, businesses, and other community stakeholders to do the CIRA Internet speed test. The deadline…
The deadline to submit resolutions directly to UBCM for consideration at Convention is Wednesday, June 30. Resolutions submitted directly must be endorsed by a Council, Board or First Nations’ Council and sent, along with available background information, to Jamee Justason, UBCM…
The Internet speed study project team has encouraged Indigenous and local governments who wish to participate in the study to complete the online questionnaire; and ask their residents, businesses, and other community stakeholders to do the CIRA Internet speed test. The deadline…