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The final report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls was released approximately 1 year ago. UBCM would like to encourage members to bring the Calls for Justice to their respective councils or boards for review, prioritization and…
The federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans has created two interim Codes of Practice for undertaking emergency and routine works under the revised Fisheries Act that pose a low risk to fish and fish habitat. The Codes of Practice allow proponents who meet the interim…
As planning continues for a virtual 2020 Convention, UBCM has finalized the cancellation policies with all the official hotels for the 2020 Convention. If you had a reservation in the official UBCM room block in one of the following hotels, please be advised that your individual…
Learn how to enhance your personal online presence. Join Jan Enns in a live webinar June 25, 10 – 11:15 am, as she shares tips, tools, and tricks to help you boost your virtual voice and improve connections and communications with your colleagues and community. Jan will equip…
Negotiations between the federal Treasury Board and National Police Federation (NPF), the union representing the RCMP, are expected to culminate in a collective agreement for RCMP members below the rank of Inspector. Although it is unknown when this agreement will be finalized,…
Executive members met for the first time in a virtual format for their quarterly Committee and board meetings. Executive members also met by teleconference with Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, Honourable Selina Robinson as part of their Executive meeting. Highlights…
Prime Minister Trudeau has announced that Federal Gas Tax funding allocated for the current year will be transferred to provinces and territories through a single payment in June. This decision means that local governments will receive the full allocation for this year under the…
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services The administration of provincially-funded grant programs is…
The Expert Panel on the Future of Housing Supply and Affordability has been tasked with making recommendations to the Governments of B.C. and Canada. In light of the of the COVID-19 pandemic, the deadline for input was extended to June 26, 2020. Feedback may be provided via…
The Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) is an eight-year, $110-million program funded by Infrastructure Canada to support Canadian municipalities and communities in making informed infrastructure investment decisions based on stronger asset management practices.  The…