Latest News

On the day before UBCM’s Housing Summit, the Province announced its new strategy for housing, Homes for People, an ambitious plan with wide-ranging elements that will have significant implications for local governments across B.C. UBCM will continue to push the Province for…
As the province works to implement recommendations from the Old Growth Strategic Review, UBCM continues to advocate for local government to be included in the process. On April 13, UBCM hosted a webinar with the province to provide local governments with an update on the 14…
The federal government has granted an extension to May 15 for RCMP Municipal Police Unit Agreement contract holders to opt into a two-year plan to pay their share of retroactive costs associated with the RCMP Collective Agreement. This announcement was delivered via email to…
On April 3, the provincial government released its Belonging in BC homelessness plan. The plan covers the initial phase from 2022-2025, with immediate actions in the plan supported by $633 million from Budget 2022, and $1.5 billion from Budget 2023.   The plan commits to four…
The current 10-year Canada Community-Building Fund Agreement will expire on March 30, 2024. As we prepare to negotiate a new long-term agreement with the federal and provincial governments, UBCM wants feedback from our members on the current program.   UBCM staff have created a…
Today, Terry Beech, Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Member of Parliament for Burnaby North—Seymour, the Honourable Anne Kang, B.C. Minister of Municipal Affairs, and Councillor Jen Ford, President of the Union of BC Municipalities…
Health Canada is seeking feedback on potential amendments to federal Cannabis Regulations. The focus of this process is to find ways to reduce regulatory burden, while still adequately addressing public health and safety risks. Feedback will be accepted until May 24, 2023.…
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events, and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
The 2023 Local Government Awareness Week is May 14-20 (#LGAW2023). This annual initiative is aimed at building public awareness of local government roles and encouraging participation in local government processes. An Asset Management Awareness Day (#AMDay2023) is scheduled for…
The Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee (LGCMC) will be meeting in approximately one month. Local governments wishing to suggest discussion items related to the agreement under which the RCMP provides local police services in B.C. are asked to submit input to…