Latest News

Transport Canada has announced a new funding program that will support Indigenous and local communities to participate in rail safety initiatives. The call for proposals closes February 16, 2023, with the intent to have contribution agreements in place for the 2023-24 fiscal…
On January 26, 2023 (9:00 - 11:00 am PST), the Province and UBCM will be hosting an RCMP policing webinar for BC local government representatives. Local government elected officials or staff members interested in attending the webinar are asked to RSVP to Bhar Sihota, UBCM…
The first of five regional 2023 Elected Official Seminars is only 4 weeks away. The seminars will take place through February and March, with the first event taking place February 8,9,10 at the Radisson Airport Hotel. These sessions are open to local elected officials and senior…
The BC government is seeking feedback on their Coastal Marine Strategy Intentions paper in an effort to address the health and stewardship of marine ecosystems and the resilience of coastal communities. Feedback may be submitted until April 14, 2023.
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events, and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
The 2021 Annual Expenditure Report for the Canada Community Building Fund is now available. The report provides comprehensive information on the use of this federal transfer program by B.C. local governments. In 2021, the program contributed funds to over 900 capital and…
A new intake for the Poverty Reduction Planning and Action program is now open. The deadline for the intake is March 17, 2023. The intent of the Poverty Reduction Planning & Action program is to support local governments in reducing poverty and advance the Province’s poverty…
UBCM is seeking expressions of interest from local elected officials for the local government appointment to the Board of Governors of the Real Estate Foundation of BC. The Foundation’s mission is to fund projects, connect people and share knowledge to advance sustainable land…
UBCM has updated a set of fact sheets that provide foundational information on local government operations in an easy-to-read format. Subjects include the role and powers of elected officials, taxation, planning process, policing, and bylaws. Fact Sheets are updated after each…
On November 1, 2022 the RCMP Local Government Contract Management Committee met with provincial government and RCMP representatives to discuss issues related to the Municipal Police Unit Agreements and policing more broadly in British Columbia. Key issues discussed at the…