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The Local Government RCMP Contract Management Committee (LGCMC) will be meeting on July 20, 2021. Local governments wishing to suggest discussion items related to the agreement under which the RCMP provides local police services to BC are asked to submit input to …
The Executive discussed the important of engaging with local governments as an order of government and partner as the Province moves forward with the implementation of UNDRIP (UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples). UBCM called on the Province to: Adopt a ‘local…
Electoral Area Directors and alternates, RD Chairs and RD staff are invited to attend a virtual session on Monday June 28 from 10am – 12pm with the UBCM EA Representative, Director Grace McGregor, to discuss potential platforms for ongoing communication. Attendees are invited to…
The Province has established an Auxiliary Program – BC Model Working Group to review options for a long-term BC auxiliary policing program. The Working Group is currently inviting local governments to participate in a short survey seeking to understand community…
The Federal Government has released a National Action Plan to address the violence, racism and disproportionate deaths of Indigenous women and girls in Canada, outlining short-term priorities corresponding to seven goals for transformative change. The plan comes two…
Federal funding for improved broadband service in BC communities may rely on data that is inaccurate, limiting the ability of some communities to access this funding. UBCM is working with the Province and Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) to improve the data available…
A Call for Nominations has been issued to local elected officials wishing to serve on the 2021-2022 UBCM Executive. The elections and nominations process will be similar to 2020, including that nominations will not be accepted off the floor at the virtual…
The Province has announced its intentions to modernize forest policy and develop a long-term vision for the sector. The vision is focused on three guiding principles: increased sector participation, enhanced stewardship and sustainability, and a…
Each month we provide an update on UBCM funding programs and information on other programs, events, and resources that may be of interest to local governments and First Nations. Local Government Program Services Applications are currently being accepted for the following funding…
The UBCM Executive held its quarterly Committee and board meetings virtually over May 18-21. Executive members also met with Cabinet Ministers and MLAs from all parties to share local government perspectives on three priorities - UNDRIP implementation; local government…