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Program materials for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 intakes of the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund are now available. The CEPF is a suite of funding streams intended to enhance the resiliency of local governments, First Nations, and communities in preparing for and…
UBCM has a Memorandum of Understanding with the BC government that provides that the Province consult directly with affected local governments on local agreements and initiatives pertaining to First Nations. This includes consultation on agreements and negotiations in and…
Registration for the 2024 UBCM Convention will open on July 2. We anticipate a strong turnout as we return to Vancouver, so be sure to register quickly. Child minding services will also be available throughout Convention week. The theme for this year’s event is Ride the Wave. As…
Tuesday, September 17 is Forum Day at UBCM Convention. Whether you are an electoral area director, urban mayor, councillor from a small community, or from somewhere in-between, there is a forum for you. Help shape the agendas for this year's forums by emailing your topic…
Researchers from the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University are undertaking a disaster mapping project to track and tally the costs of disasters and states of emergency across the province. This project aims to equip communities and decision-makers with…
The Province has introduced a new funding program to support First Nation and local government disaster risk reduction and climate-adaptation projects. The Disaster Resilience and Innovation Funding (DRIF) program will provide a total of $40 million over two years to address…
We are pleased to announce that UBCM and First Nations Leadership Council will be co-hosting the 7th Province-wide Community to Community Forum in Vancouver on September 16, 2024. First Nation and local government leaders and senior staff are invited to gather for a day of…
At this time of year, resolutions from all five area associations and individual members are coming to UBCM in a hailstorm. As we prepare for these resolutions to be considered at the 2024 UBCM Convention, we wanted to take an opportunity to talk about what happens before and…
A Call for Nominations has been issued for local elected officials wishing to serve on the 2024-2025 UBCM Executive. The deadline for advance nominations is Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 4 pm. The Call for Nominations provides information about the positions open for nomination, the…
As part of its assessment of RCMP contract policing, the federal government has published a summary of its engagement with contract partners, including local governments. This assessment was mandated in 2021, with engagement occurring throughout Canada in 2023. UBCM members…