Whereas new federal legislation has legalized cannabis production and retail as of October 17, 2018 and that such legislation has left provincial and local governments with regulation gaps to fill; And whereas cannabis production operations cause disturbing odours that can create issues and breathing problems to those with respiratory vulnerability: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that provincial legislation be created to enforce the federal regulation that cannabis operations install filtration systems to prevent pervasive odours from these operations to disperse into surround


Whereas the cost to remediate brownfields is quite onerous often costing more than the value of the property resulting in private property owners choosing to leave brownfields vacantdormant to avoid these costs, leaving brownfields and contaminated sites a detriment to development and aesthetics in many communities; And whereas the Provincial and Federal Governments have not provided the funds or the means to local governments to remediate brownfields: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the province to allow local governments to create a municipal taxation structure for brownfields

Inspection of Rooming Houses by Ministry of Health and Ministry of Social Development Poverty Reduction

Whereas landlords may open rooming houses and accommodate low income individuals; And whereas landlords may take advantage of the vulnerable individuals they house: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Health e.g. Interior Health and Ministry of Social Development Poverty Reduction Province work with local governments to create policy and an inspection process to ensure the integrity of the rooming houses.


Whereas the Building Act includes a provincial commitment to innovation that supports local governments and other local authorities through the implementation of a provincial review process to evaluate innovative building proposals; And whereas the continued complexity of building design, new products and expansion of the Codes have made it difficult for some communities to provide a level of consistency, interpretation and alternate solution reviews: Therefore be it resolved that the Province outline and explain the review process to accept and evaluate innovative building proposals.


Whereas the Province of British Columbia has the highest retail fuel prices in Canada; And whereas the entire Okanagan and Shuswap region depends on the tourism industry to support our businesses and local economies; And whereas the District of Sicamous has researched the cost of fuel across Canada, finding when combined, the excise taxes 0.10 per litre, the provincial taxes 0.13-0.15 per litre, and the carbon taxes 0.0778 per litre and 0.0673 per litre respectively, the difference between BC and Alberta is ONLY approx.


Whereas a dwelling unit that is used as a commercial enterprise for short term rentals and does not serve as the primary residence for the owner, a manager or other person; And whereas tourist overnight accommodation uses such as motels, hotels, and resorts are classed and taxed as businesses: Therefore be it resolved that a dwelling unit, typically a detached dwelling, offered and used as a whole for short term rentals be assigned the appropriate tax class and be redefined as Class 6: Business and Other; And be it further resolved that where the property is offered, be it only seasonall

Funding for Design of Cycling Infrastructure Bike Lanes for Local Governments

Whereas the Province of BC is cost sharing cycling infrastructure projects with local government through our BikeBC program to encourage healthy living and to help address climate change; And whereas prior to building cycling infrastructure, such as bike lanes, it is necessary to conduct a design stage that can be a very expensive endeavor: Therefore be it resolved that the Province cost share not only cycling infrastructure but also the design of the infrastructure, especially as it relates to bike lanes.

Addition of Drug and Alcohol Recovery Facilities and Beds

Whereas an opioid crisis has been identified in British Columbia, and addictions can also take many other forms such as alcohol and other drugs, with addictions being so detrimental to an individuals health and well-being; And whereas there are not enough Drug and Alcohol RehabilitationRecovery Facilities and space available for those who are seeking help to combat addictions: Therefore be it resolved that the Province fund significantly more licensed rehabilitation facilities and beds in every local government to enable all those who seek assistance in recovering from addictions an oppor


Whereas the Province through BC Housing has invested in creating housing for those individuals struggling with homelessness; And whereas individuals experiencing homelessness are often in need of social services: Therefore be it resolved that the Province ensure all forms of social services mental health services, addiction services, social assistance services, employment services, etc. also referred to as wrap-around services are available to individuals housed in homeless housing at the housing site or within a short walking distance.