Whereas the allocation of provincial funding grants for regional and municipal libraries is based on a formula of half the converted value of land and improvements, and half the population of the service area; And whereas in rural areas with low population and lower land values this formula results in insufficient funding and hardship to the residents who are more dependent on library services: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the provincial government to implement a Rural Libraries Fund due to the current funding formula not working effectively for libraries in rural areas wi


Whereas volunteer or paid on-call fire departments provide emergency firefighting response services to rural communities throughout British Columbia while struggling to meet the increasing costs driven by expanded regulations to meet provincial, federal and insurance requirements; And whereas the Province of British Columbia does not contribute directly to the delivery of emergency firefighting response services by volunteer fire departments resulting in service delivery challenges for fire departments in rural communities where costs are attributable to the citizens of that area: Therefo


Whereas the Local Government Act requires that when public notice must be given by publication in a newspaper, the notice must be published in accordance with section 941b of the Community Charter; And whereas traditional print publication of local newspapers is declining and the cost of advertising is increasing: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be requested to conduct a review of the Community Charter and Local Government Act to update the legislation relating to public notification provisions to incorporate new technology.


Whereas Provincial Ministries fund projects that have significant impact upon communities; And whereas there is at present no mechanism for community consultation, including with the local government: Therefore be it resolved that Provincial Ministries be required to undertake community consultation, including with the local government, prior to introducing any new project that may significantly impact the character of that community.


Whereas the current formulas used to calculate provincial court costs awarded to the successful party appear not to reflect actual legal costs; And whereas the party being taken to court does not have a choice in the matter other than to participate in litigation or settle on a matter; And whereas some matters before the courts, such as a judicial review, are not covered by normal municipal insurance policies; And whereas small municipalities do not have the capacity to pay for an extensive court case which can often include an appeal to a higher court: Therefore be it resolved that UB


Whereas resolutions supporting legislative changes to allow for online voting in local government elections were endorsed at the 2011 and 2015 UBCM Conventions; And whereas the Provinces response in 2015 indicated that it is open to exploring the topic further with UBCM and specific local governments who are interested in implementing internet voting: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be lobbied to initiate legislative changes that would allow local governments to implement online voting for upcoming elections and assent voting opportunities.


Whereas the wildfire burden to BCs society, economy and environment over the last decade can be measured in billions of dollars; And whereas successive provincial governments have significantly underfunded mitigation programs; And whereas the current wildfire management strategy is overly reliant on FireSmart, placing wildfire risk mitigation at the homeowner level while much of the land requiring treatment is government controlled; And whereas the BC government inconsistently mitigates natural disasters: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM support lobbying the provincial government to s


Whereas many areas across the Province have suffered through a range of natural disasters that require the resources and response from all levels of government; And whereas some natural disasters, such as flooding, can be reasonably predicted in advance of the actual disaster, and municipalities require Provincial and Federal approvals to mitigate potential impact: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM approach the Province of BC to ensure sufficient Provincial staff are in place to administer necessary permitting processes, and to work with local jurisdictions such that imminent disasters a


Whereas flying recreational drones is an increasingly popular hobby that can disturb and pose risks to wildlife in sensitive ecological areas and recreational drones are prohibited in Canadas national parks for similar reasons; And whereas there are multiple stakeholders including federal and provincial agencies and complex regulations involved in drone usage: Therefore be it resolved that the federal and provincial governments collaborate to provide clarity and options for local governments in restricting the use of drones in local sensitive ecological areas.