Health Authority Asset Management Plans


Whereas accurate planning for our future healthcare needs is critical and the Ministry of Health is fiscally responsible to all British Columbians: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Health undertake asset management plans for all of the health authorities in the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Health Capital asset management planning is the process of identifying current and future capital needs and developing strategies and projects to address those needs. The Province of BC uses a consolidated capital planning process where public-sector agencies provincial ministries, health authorities, school districts, post-secondary institutions, Crown corporations capital plans are consolidated into a single plan to support effective financial and risk management. As part of this process, health authorities develop multi-year capital asset management plans also referred to as capital plans that flow from their health service plans. The Ministry reviews proposed capital plans and priorities from each health authority to verify their consistency with governments strategic direction and key capital principles. The Ministry consolidates capital plans submitted by health authorities and incorporates their priorities and strategies into a provincial health sector capital plan considering provincial budget instructions and available funding. The ultimate purpose of health capital planning and all capital projects is to meet and support heath service delivery needs on an ongoing and proactive basis.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision