
Whereas the Province through BC Housing has invested in creating housing for those individuals struggling with homelessness; And whereas individuals experiencing homelessness are often in need of social services: Therefore be it resolved that the Province ensure all forms of social services mental health services, addiction services, social assistance services, employment services, etc. also referred to as wrap-around services are available to individuals housed in homeless housing at the housing site or within a short walking distance.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction Government agrees that supports and services are often needed to help people remain stably and successfully housed. Through Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund and the Rapid Response to Homelessness program, the Province is building 2,500 supportive housing units and 2,200 modular supportive housing units across BC for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. All new modular housing buildings in the province are being provided with around-the-clock staffing to help young people, people with disabilities, seniors, and others in critical housing need. Support services are determined through a collaboration between the non-profit housing provider and the local health authority and can range based on the needs of residents. Government also works closely with other community service providers to connect people with supports that will contribute to their long-term housing stability. Recognizing the need to increase our engagement with BC Employment and Assistance recipients and service partners in communities, the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction has introduced a new Community Integration Specialist role throughout the province. Community Integration Specialists are focused on connecting BCs most vulnerable citizens with financial assistance and community supports. To do this, they actively collaborate with other government and community agencies. The services they provide include expedited intakes, shelter and health requests, intensive case management, as well as referrals to social services including employment and other necessary community supports and services. To guide further action on homelessness and support increased collaboration and coordination, Government has launched the Office of Homelessness Coordination. The Office is working across government and with our partners in the community to align our approaches and deliver a coordinated response.

Convention Decision