BC Emergency Response Model and First Responders

Whereas in May of 2018, BC Emergency Health Services BCEHS implemented the new Clinical Response Model for dispatching paramedics, ambulances and other resources to patients, throughout the province; And whereas under the new system highly trained rural first responders attached to fire departments and rescue societies are being called less frequently to medical incidents in their areas, resulting in pain and suffering and risking patient lives in rural and remote areas where ambulance dispatch may be an hour or more away: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM work with the BC Minister of H

Wildfire Hazard Reduction Treatment on Private Lands

Whereas the Province has experienced successive extreme wildfire years which, because of climate change, is expected to be the new normal; And whereas many local governments have initiated fuel management treatments within their boundaries and on adjacent Crown lands to reduce wildfire risk; And whereas significant wildfire risk still exists on private lands adjacent to many communities that are currently ineligible for funding under the Community Resilience Investments CRI Program for wildfire risk reduction treatments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial government to

Insurance Practices During and After Disasters

Whereas many property owners and small businesses were recently affected by floods and fires across British Columbia; And whereas many of those property owners and small businesses were unable to get insurance coverage, were unable to access that coverage in a timely manner, or were denied insurance coverage from their insurance provider: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Finance review insurance practices in British Columbia to identify ways to insure property owners and small businesses during and after a disaster.

Disaster Financial Assistance

Whereas many small business owners in rural British Columbia have many different household income sources; And whereas small businesses form a critical part of rural communities because of the employment, taxes, and services they provide: Therefore be it resolved the Province change the Disaster Financial Assistance program criteria relating to income requirements, eligibility, and insurance availability to better address the needs of rural British Columbia small business owners.

BC Housing Accountability

Whereas the City of Grand Forks has been devastated by a recent flood and is challenged to protect and to rebuild its downtown core as a vibrant commercial area; And whereas the basic principle of Community Charter is that municipalities and the Provincial government should foster cooperative approaches to matters of mutual interest; And whereas BC Housing failed to consult Council about the location or size of supportive housing facilities before land was purchased and designs chosen: Therefore be it resolved that BC Housing seek local governments approval before land is purchased for

Additional Rehabilitation Detox Centres

Whereas substance use, particularly drug addiction, is considered a mental health issue; And whereas smaller communities do not have many of the supports required to assist those wanting to recover from addiction and detox followed by immediate rehabilitation is necessary in order to recover and the wait time between the two can be up to three months: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Health be encouraged to fund detox and rehabilitation centres throughout the Province, particularly in rural and remote communities.

Private Commercial Forest Land Regulations and Standards

Whereas many local governments in rural BC are surrounded by significant amounts of forested private land; And whereas local governments are expected to manage the assets that support the value of their communities which include sight line, municipal infrastructure, slope stability of land, and watersheds: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Province to implement regulations and standards that are equivalent to Crown forest land regulations and standards that address forest harvesting for commercial purposes on private lands.


Whereas the Government of British Columbia passed the new Building Act in 2015 and mandatory certification requirements for Building Officials come into effect in March 2021; And whereas the Act requires that a Level 3 certification will be required for Building Officials for the review and permitting of all complex projects; And whereas the Building Officials Association of British Columbia BOABC certification exams have an average 41 failure rate due to the complexity of all certification exams and Level 3 takes a minimum of 4 years to obtain; And whereas there is already a shortage o

Roles and Responsibilities for Emergency and Disaster Mitigation in BC

Whereas the Government of British Columbia passed the Emergency Program Act in 1996; And whereas the Act requires local authorities, ministries, Crown corporations, and government agencies to develop plans and programs to prepare and respond to emergencies and disasters in the province; And whereas there is no acknowledgment of who is responsible to develop a proactive program to mitigate emergencies and disasters in the province: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be requested to add mitigation to its Emergency Management BC mandate.