Salmon Arm

Whereas flying recreational drones is an increasingly popular hobby that can disturb and pose risks to wildlife in sensitive ecological areas and recreational drones are prohibited in Canadas national parks for similar reasons; And whereas there are multiple stakeholders including federal and provincial agencies and complex regulations involved in drone usage: Therefore be it resolved that the federal and provincial governments collaborate to provide clarity and options for local governments in restricting the use of drones in local sensitive ecological areas.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Government is interested in supporting local governments in managing recreational drone use also known as unmanned air vehicles UAVs that can disturb and pose risks wildlife in sensitive ecological areas. Transport Canada TC and the Canadian Aviation Regulations regulate UAV drone use in Canadas airspace. However, BC Parks has the authority to allow or not allow UAV users to take off or land in a provincial park. As such, drone operators must obtain permission from BC Parks to take-off andor land in any provincial park or protected area. TCs federal flight requirements for use of UAVs include distances from people, buildings, built-up areas, and animals both domestic and wildlife, meaning there are few, if any, locations in BC Parks where permission to fly UAVs can be granted and the pilot would still have the ability to meet the current federal flight requirements. Further, in protected areas established as Ecological Reserves, or in areas of parks with sensitive ecological values, UAV use is not permitted.

Convention Decision