Increase Transportation Assistance for Low-Income Individuals

Whereas British Columbians receiving Income Assistance continue to struggle to meet their basic needs, despite recent needed increases to monthly rates, leaving little funds available for transportation, including transit; And whereas the monthly 52 transportation allowance that British Columbians are issued as Disability Assistance, is not sufficient to off-set the costs associated with purchasing a monthly transit pass in most regions; And whereas access to transit is vital to many individuals in accessing health care, seeking employment, and contributing to the community: Therefore

Amend the Fare Collection Regulation

Whereas the levying of fare infraction tickets disproportionately impacts low-income andor young persons who may not have access to means of payment; And whereas the structure for fare infraction enforcement practices utilized by TransLink are outlined in the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Amendment Act 2012, Fare Collection Regulation: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, and any other applicable Ministry or body, to consider the elimination or reduction of fine levying to those under 18 years of

Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation

Whereas effective February 22, 2019 the Province of British Columbia amended the Agricultural Land Commission Act and created the Agricultural Land Reserve Use Regulation which implemented changes in relation to residences in the Agricultural Land Reserve; And whereas the changes limiting the total floor area of a principal residence and restricting the construction of additional residences are detrimental to farming operations and make it difficult for farm operators to operate a sustainable business by impeding succession planning, housing for family, and farm workers thereby putting th

Voting Rights for Alternate Electoral Area Directors at UBCM

Whereas the Local Government Act provides that an Electoral Area Director must appoint an Alternate Electoral Area Director who may take the place of, vote and generally act in all matters for the absent Electoral Area Director; And whereas the bylaws of UBCM disqualify Alternate Electoral Area Directors from participating in debate and voting at the Annual and Special Conventions; And whereas this provision of the UBCM bylaws: - prevents an Electoral Area from having a voice at UBCM Conventions when the Electoral Area Director is absent; and - could be improved by permitting an Alt

School Bus Safety

Whereas motor vehicle seat belt laws have been fundamental to improved road safety in Canada over the past 40 years; And whereas safety organizations such as the National Safety Council are calling attention to vital flaws in the previous testing that argued against the safety benefits of sea tbelts in passenger buses; And whereas more recent research by Transport Canada reveals the clear and significant safety benefits of combined lap and shoulder seat belts for passengers in school buses; And whereas the US National Transportation Safety Board is now recommending three-point seat belts

Declaration of Employee Compensation as Part of Annual Statement of Financial Information Reporting

Whereas the Financial Information Act requires that local governments submit an annual Statement of Financial Information SOFI Report to the provincial government after the end of each fiscal year; And whereas the Act requires the SOFI Report to include a schedule noting each employee earning more than a prescribed amount, the total remuneration paid to the employee and the total amount paid for the employees expenses; And whereas local governments, like many employers, are seeking to create safe and harassment-free spaces for their employees; And whereas criticism of public employees ha

AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste Management

Whereas the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste Management, with representatives from nine regional districts, was formed in 2015 to research, prepare and present the findings and recommendations to the 2016 convention on this mandated service; And whereas the Special Committee reported out to the AVICC membership at the 2016, 2017 and 2018 conventions, the membership endorsed the action plans and further directed the Special Committee to report back to the 2019 convention with outcomes; Therefore be it resolved that the AVICC end

Moving Historic Records

Whereas historic land title records paper and microfilmed dating back to the late 1800s for the Nelson land title jurisdiction were moved to Kamloops; And whereas in the process of relocation and digitizing microfilmed or paper records there is a potential loss of quality or misplacement of the records if not total loss of the records; And whereas now the Land Title and Survey Authority intends to move the Land Title records from Kamloops to Victoria: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM work with the Province and the Land Title and Survey Authority to keep the Land Title Records in Kaml

Increase Investment in BC Parks Boat Launches

Whereas outdoor recreation on rivers and lakes is important to the lifestyles of residents in the North; And whereas boat launches operated by BC Parks are vitally important outdoor recreation amenities; And whereas the Province of British Columbia spends roughly 2.80 per hectare on BC Parks, while the Province of Alberta spends approximately 36 per hectare, making it difficult to adequately repair and maintain BC Parks boat launches: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia increase their investment into the repair and maintenance of BC Parks boat launches in the p

Resourcing a Collaborative System of Data Sharing in BC

Whereas natural disasters pose an increasing risk to the economic, social, and environmental well-being of British Columbians; And whereas the provincial government is taking action to improve resilience by strengthening disaster preparedness and disaster risk governance in the context of climate change; And whereas the sharing of integrated asset data, information, and knowledge across all sectors is key to improving emergency management and resiliency planning in BC: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be urged to take a strong leadership role and provide lon