Development Cost Charges for Fire Protection Capital Costs

Whereas the Local Government Act provides from the collection of Development Cost Charges DCCs, for capital costs for sewage, water, drainage, highways, park lands and employee housing within Resort Municipalities but does not provide for the collection of DCCs for capital costs for fire protection emergency response infrastructure made necessary by community growth caused by development; And whereas fire departments are required to provide fire protection, emergency response to natural and human caused disasters and first responder medical services to an increasing inventory and variety

Disaster Relief and Recovery Funding

Whereas the Province has delegated responsibility for emergency and disaster recovery to local governments under Section 6 of the Emergency Program Act; And whereas the Provinces current policy of providing funding for disaster relief and recovery to organizations other than local governments is proving ineffective in meeting the needs of many British Columbians who require such assistance; Therefore be it resolved that the Province work collaboratively with local governments to establish policy and best practices relating to the provision of disaster recovery assistance, and thereafter m

Support for Proposed Vulnerable Adolescents Protection from E-cigarettes VAPE Act, 2019

Whereas the 2018 BC Adolescent Health Survey states 29 of youth in the British Columbia Interior have used a vapour product in the last month; And whereas Health Canada advises that vaping is not safe and the long-term negative health effects of vaping are still unknown: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be urged to support tougher regulations on the sale to minors of e-cigarettes and vapour products, including the banning of the sale of products which are marketed specifically to young people.

Implementation Funding for Federal Task Force on School Bus Safety Requirements

Whereas Transport Canada has amended the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations by: - telling manufacturers how to properly install lap-shoulder seat belts on school buses, if an operator request that they do so; - not allowing manufacturers to install lap-only seat belts; and - improving compartmentalization for larger students by raising the minimum seat back height: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure be asked to fully fund the implementation of these and any changes proposed by the Federal Minister of Transportations T

Investments in Local Government and Not-for-Profit Seniors Services and Supports

Whereas municipalities and not-for-profit organizations are playing a greater role in supporting seniors needs related to food security, health promotion, housing support, recreation programming, social engagement, and transportation provision; And whereas the necessary collaborative and funding mechanisms are not present to assist local governments and not-for-profit organizations in supporting seniors to age in place in their own homes and communities and to maintain a high quality of life: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM undertake a research-based policy development project to addre

Broadband Infrastructure Taxation

Whereas the cost to deploy broadband infrastructure to support connectivity services is significant and revenue opportunities in rural areas are often not adequate to provide a return on investment that would attract private investment, resulting in underserved rural communities throughout the province; And whereas both the Provincial and Federal Governments have made universal access to broadband services a priority including through the provision of infrastructure grants to encourage private investment in rural areas; however, the ongoing property taxation of broadband infrastructure cr

Pre-Hospital Emergency Services

Whereas in May 2018 the BC Emergency Health Services introduced a new dispatch protocol for pre-hospital care, where first responders such are fire departments are requested only for the most urgent events or for events where an ambulance will take more than 10 minutes to respond, and this has raised concerns from local governments regarding access to emergency services in their communities; And whereas communities in BC are diverse and require solutions that consider local capacity and local emergency health care needs; Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Health, BCEHS and BC

Restoring Sustainable Provincial Library Funding Levels

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where Provincial library funding has remained virtually stagnant for the past 30 years: And whereas libraries in British Columbia provide open and equal public access to vital resources, including the internet, public computers, digital library tools and in-person service from expert staff to provide opportunities for all British Columbians to access knowledge and information and increase literacy in our communities and present informative programmes: including First Nations programmes and m

ICBC Rates

Whereas the Insurance Corporation of BC ICBC, a provincial crown corporation in British Columbia, is charging drivers the highest average auto insurance rates in Canada; And whereas ICBC has been approved to raise insurance rates by 6.3 per cent as of April 1, 2019; And whereas 2017 research has shown average insurance rates across Canada vary, with BCs rates as the highest. Alberta 1,251, Ontario 1,445, New Burnswick 819, Nova Scotia 842; Prince Edward Island 796, and Newfoundland Labrador 1,132 rely entirely on private insurers to provide auto insurance.