Increase Investment in BC Parks Boat Launches

Peace River RD

Whereas outdoor recreation on rivers and lakes is important to the lifestyles of residents in the North; And whereas boat launches operated by BC Parks are vitally important outdoor recreation amenities; And whereas the Province of British Columbia spends roughly 2.80 per hectare on BC Parks, while the Province of Alberta spends approximately 36 per hectare, making it difficult to adequately repair and maintain BC Parks boat launches: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia increase their investment into the repair and maintenance of BC Parks boat launches in the province.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Province is interested in supporting local governments seeking to improve their local communities. BC Parks strives to provide an excellent user experience across the province and recognizes the value of outdoor recreation in Northern BC, including marine recreation. All facility investment decisions, including those involving boat launches, must be assessed against the critical needs of all parks throughout the province. Work to date includes investment of over 1 million in capital expenditures on boat launches in Northern BC Omineca, Peace and Skeena areas. This amount is in addition to routine operational maintenance spending. BC Parks manages five times more area than Alberta Parks and therefore a comparison of investment per hectare may not be appropriate.

Convention Decision
Not Considered - Automatic Referral to Executive
Executive Decision