BC Hydro Streetlight Inefficiency

Whereas BC Hydro owns a significant percentage of streetlights in BC municipalities, especially in smaller communities, and many of these streetlights still use inefficient incandescent technology despite demonstrated energy and cost savings of 50-70 percent with conversion to LED technology; And whereas local governments are responsible for paying for the ongoing operating cost of BC Hydro-owned street lighting using property tax revenue: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to require BC Hydro to expeditiously replace all streetlights within BC municipaliti

Subsidized Recycling Options for Small Municipalities

Whereas few recycling opportunities are available in remote and smaller municipalities due to poor economies of scale for populations under 5,000, greater distances to recycling facilities and cost prohibitive infrastructure investment, resulting in inequities for recycling opportunities in different regions of the Province; And whereas recycling organizations continue to lack the viability to offer Extended Producer Responsibility Programs for remote and smaller municipalities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to ensure the intent of the Recycling Regula

Diminishing Access to Provincial Government In-Person Services

Whereas access to in-person provincial government services is gradually being removed from small, rural communities in British Columbia with these services being centralized to larger urban centres; And whereas rural citizens and business owners are forced to travel long distances at great expense as there is limited and inconsistent public transportation available to access these services; And whereas the lack of in-person provincial government services in small, rural communities negatively impacts economic growth and the ability to attract and retain rural citizens and business develop

BC Hydro Pricing Structure

Whereas BC Hydro is utilizing a two-tier monthly pricing structure on their electrical utilities being consumed by their customers; And whereas smaller Northern communities have limited affordable options for their heating needs, therefore relying heavily on electricity for heating; And whereas this dependency results in Northern citizens reaching the second-tier pricing significantly sooner each month than other geographical locations creating inequitable heating costs for those who live in rural Northern communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM support lobbying the provincial go

Hospital Helipad Construction

Whereas none of the new or existing level 3 trauma hospital construction plan in rural British Columbia include plans or designs for onsite helipads; And whereas due to an absence of onsite hospital helipads, rural BC trauma patients experience delayed access to level 3 trauma hospitals: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to legislate that all current and future level 3 and above trauma hospitals being constructed in rural BC receive capital funding to construct and operate an onsite helipad.

Consent for Property Classification

Whereas local governments are unaware of when BC Assessment is making property classification changes, without regard to zoning for that particular piece of property; And whereas local governments have the authority to determine land use zoning within their boundary, and should be consulted on changes to the assessment classification: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of BC require that BC Assessment Authority obtain consent from a local government prior to making any property classification changes.

Equitable Access to Health Services in Rural BC

Whereas the matters of sustained, accessible health services reflective of the needs of rural and remote communities have been raised through numerous resolutions over the past thirty years and where the Provincial responses highlight unsuccessful and inadequate Provincial Programs; And whereas existing services in rural and remote communities continue to decline, while communities remain removed from the planning and administration of health services in their areas; And whereas regionalization of health service delivery is in an ongoing pursuit of both the Regional Health Authorities and

Private Commercial Forest Land Consultation with Local Government

Whereas many local governments in rural BC are surrounded by significant amounts of forested private land; And whereas local governments are expected to manage the assets that support the value of their communities which include sight line, municipal infrastructure, slope stability of land, and watersheds: Therefore be it resolved that local governments be granted the authority to require private land owners to undertake annual consultations with local governments to provide information regarding long term disposition or development intentions for land adjacent to local government bounda

Increase Provincial RCMP Contribution

Whereas British Columbia Municipalities may jointly participate in RCMPPolicing to cost-effectively manage community safety in their region with the Province providing funding to each Municipality based on population; And whereas the 2018 West Shore RCMP General Duty Service Assessment has identified that the current 81 officer detachment needs to be bolstered by 9 officers immediately and another 4 by 2023 with the current share contributed by the Province providing 40 fewer officers per capita, equating to an approximate 720,000 short fall, forcing some municipalities to contribute more

Moratorium on Hornby and Denman Fishery

Whereas coastal communities rely on the sustainable management of our oceans and the Salish Sea in particular, as well as the protection of species at risk; And whereas 45 of the herring fisheries have already been closed due to poor returns, with the last remaining fishery being located around Hornby and Denman Islands; And whereas over 70,000 signatures have been gathered against this particular fishery; And whereas the Kmoks First Nation, whose unceded territory this fishery occurs on, has expressed concerns about current harvest levels: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request