Ports Prioritization

Whereas public wharves and docks are critical transportation links for people, supplies, and emergency services in coastal communities, and there is a lack of coordinated provincial and federal priority setting and funding to support and maintain critical connectivity along BCs 25,000 kilometres of coastline; And whereas the federal government divested government wharves, and the responsibility for maintenance and management of public ports has fallen entirely on local taxpayers and nonprofit groups, and the provincial government does not have a ministry responsible for dealing with for th

Ports Maintenance

Whereas public wharves and docks are critical transportation links for people, supplies, and emergency services in coastal communities, and there is a lack of coordinated provincial and federal priority setting and funding to support and maintain critical connectivity along BCs 25,000 kilometres of coastline; And whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure is responsible for maintaining the roads leading to public ports and continues to approve subdivision applications for water-only access residential developments; And whereas evolving transportation technology and climate

Free Transit for Seniors in BC

Whereas transportation costs can serve as significant barrier to mobility for many British Columbian seniors, and this barrier can contribute to social isolation and adversely affect mental and physical well-being; And whereas removing barriers to seniors using transit encourages a shift towards more sustainable transportation, helping lower emissions and reducing congestion, while simultaneously increasing affordability, access to essential services, social inclusion, health, and well-being: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to make all public transit fr

Support for Transit Services Related to Housing Growth Acceleration

Whereas implementation of the Provinces Homes for People plan, designed to accelerate housing development and population growth, will increase pressures on local governments to provide transit services necessary to develop and support new housing; And whereas local government transit service deficits may pose barriers to the development of attainable housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urges the Province, as part of their housing funding initiatives, to provide funding to local governments for transit services integral to the development of attainable housing.

Provincial Highway Construction and Maintenance

Whereas private highway contractors primarily aim to generate profit, which can lead to compromised safety and quality in highway construction and maintenance; And whereas the essential goal of highway management should be to prioritize public safety and infrastructure integrity over financial gains; And whereas recent evidence suggests that highways under private management are experiencing deteriorating conditions, posing risks to public safety and transportation efficiency: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call for the re-establishment of public management of highway contracts to pr

Provincial Funding of Active Transportation Planning and Infrastructure

Whereas the provincial government offers grant funding to support the development of active transportation network planning and infrastructure, based on local governments contributing between 20 and 50 of project costs; And whereas a local governments required contribution to an active transportation infrastructure project can far exceed a small communitys financial capacity: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government fund 100 of the cost of active transportation network planning and infrastructure projects for communities with a population of less than 15

Provincial Funding for Active Transportation Infrastructure

Whereas BC local governments face significant capital funding challenges in delivering new active transportation infrastructure, which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, provide lowercost transportation options to BC residents, bring economic and health benefits to BC communities, and increase resilience of transportation networks, as demonstrated by similar investments in other jurisdictions; And whereas the Government of BC has invested over 40 million since 2014 to fund new active transportation infrastructure, has committed an additional 30 million to fund active transportation i

Road Usage Charge for Vehicles

Whereas the provincial government continues to advocate for drivers to switch to zero-emission vehicles from internal combustion engine vehicles; And whereas the British Columbia Transportation Financing Authority BCTFA receives dedicated funds through the sale of fuel products for transportation infrastructure; And whereas zero-emission vehicles use the same transportation highways and impacts infrastructure as internal combustion engine vehicles but do not contribute to funding of the BCTFA: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask that the provincial government consider implementing a

Traffic Count Systems Improvements

Whereas the provincial government has set a Vehicle Kilometres Traveled reduction target as part of the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030, and local governments are expected to act to help achieve this important climate target; And whereas many municipalities and regional districts may not have adequate traffic count systems in place to rigorously evaluate Vehicle Kilometres Traveled reduction interventions and measure progress towards achieving this target, and that will be a financial cost to design, create and operate improved traffic count systems: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request tha