Ports Prioritization

Sunshine Coast RD

Whereas public wharves and docks are critical transportation links for people, supplies, and emergency services in coastal communities, and there is a lack of coordinated provincial and federal priority setting and funding to support and maintain critical connectivity along BCs 25,000 kilometres of coastline; And whereas the federal government divested government wharves, and the responsibility for maintenance and management of public ports has fallen entirely on local taxpayers and nonprofit groups, and the provincial government does not have a ministry responsible for dealing with for the complex issues involving public ports, especially in unincorporated areas: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the provincial and federal governments to review BCs marine network as a whole and identify ports that are vulnerable to long-term funding concerns as well as extreme weather events for more sustained public support to maintain critical connectivity along BCs 25,000 kilometres of coastline to meet the long term economic, social, and emergency needs of coastal residents.

Convention Decision
Referred to UBCM Executive