Whereas the Alternative Approval Process as a means to obtain approval of the electors as outlined in Section 86 of the Community Charter is lacking clarity as it relates to public notice requirements stated in Section 94.2; And whereas the document Alternative Approval Process: A Guide for Local Governments in British Columbia states that local governments may choose to allow electors to submit response forms by e-mail or by fax but provides no clear process or guidelines though noting that these electronic response forms are not covered by provincial legislation: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask that the Province of British Columbia amend the legislation in the Community Charter pertaining to Alternative Approval Processes to clarify: 1. how Section 94.2 interacts with Section 86 in terms of publication of the first and second notice; 2. the timing as to whether a local government can receive a completed elector response form before the second publication; and 3. clear requirements for accepting elector response forms electronically including: a. acceptable methods of receipt; b. whether electronic elector response forms require an original copy to be submitted with the original signature; and c. if electronic elector response forms are received and an original copy is required if the original copy must also be received before the deadline.