Mental Health Crisis

Whereas there is a verifiable mental health crisis in our province that is exacerbated by insufficient funding and options for mental health supports in rural communities; And whereas this is compounded by the opioid crisis and homelessness: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government and health authorities to provide increased support and funding for mental health, including a place to properly discharge patients to access ongoing supports.

Electoral Boundary Commission Review

Whereas recent amendments made to the Electoral Boundary Commission Act in 2021 will allow the redrawing of electoral boundaries in British Columbia whereby large geographical areas in the province may be amalgamated due to their lower populations thereby resulting in rural areas being represented by a single Member of the Legislative Assembly MLA; And whereas a lower representation of members in the Legislative Assembly is not in the best interests of rural regions of British Columbia whose remoteness and distinctive character were once carefully enshrined within the Electoral Boundaries l

Extended Hour Child Care for Shift Workers

Whereas provisions in the Community Care and Assisted Living Act - Child Care Licensing Regulation state that a licensee must not provide care for more than 13 hours each day to each child; And whereas there is a need for extended shift workers to access child care beyond the current 13 hours per day per child: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to amend the Child Care Licensing Regulation to accommodate extended hour child care to support shift workers and their families.

Provincial Government Funding Increase for BC Public Libraries

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources, including internet, public computers, digital library tools, and in-person service from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services that support jobseekers and small businesses, increase literacy in communities, advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and promote equity

Proposed Electoral Area Boundary Changes

Whereas the BC Electoral Boundaries Commission will be considering population growth, demographics and geography along with size, shape and boundaries of BCs electoral districts and potentially change the size or number of electoral districts; And whereas Members of Legislative Assembly are challenged to cover the huge distances in the Peace Region, sometimes in adverse weather conditions, to meet with constituents about issues unique to the Peace including rural and remote health care, restrictions on backcountry snowmobile usage, caribou habitat recovery initiatives, hydro-electric dams,

Provincial Sales Tax on Used Item Sales

Whereas the Provincial Sales Tax is already applied at the time of purchase to applicable new items, used items sold at thrift shops and a selection of used items sold through private sales; And whereas the re-use of items helps alleviate emission levels, landfill pressures and provides options for addressing the rising cost of living: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province to not extend the application of the Provincial Sales Tax beyond current items or practices.

Access to Energy Advisors

Whereas access to Energy Advisors and materials is required for communities to meet provincial policies; And whereas there is limited access to Energy Advisors and the required materials, located in northern, rural and remote communities, to meet the implementation of provincial timelines: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM continue to lobby the Province to secure additional Energy Advisors, make grants available and review implementation timelines for the northern, rural and remote communities.

Roads and Bridges

Whereas transportation corridors are critical pieces of infrastructure; And whereas provincial spending on transportation is insufficient to maintain provincial highways and bridges across the province; And whereas climate emergencies are emerging more frequently: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province to increase the annual budgeted figure for roads and bridges.

Justice Reform

Whereas crime is increasing at an alarming rate at the local, provincial, and national levels, and the criminal justice system has become a revolving door; And whereas rehabilitation models of justice are seen to work in other countries and the current model of our justice system focuses on policing rather than rehabilitating: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to advocate for the dismantling and rebuilding of the Criminal Justice Act, including amendments to Crown Council, to include trauma informed education, prevention, treatment and a focus on truth and reconciliati

Affordable Housing

Whereas BC local governments are now required to do a Housing Needs Assessment every five years, and these Assessments are now showing that there is a lack of affordable housing in communities across BC; And whereas the most recent UBCM Housing Report shows that development is increasing at the rate of the population growth; And whereas housing remains under the provincial jurisdiction with BC Housing is responsible for the Provincial strategic housing action plan; And whereas the rising cost of housing is making homeownership impossible for low income households: Therefore be it resolved