Hospice Services

Whereas hospice societies across BC offer services and innovative programs which enhance the quality of life of palliative patients and their caregivers in the community where they live, as well as supportive bereavement programs for those who are left behind; And whereas reliable government funding necessary for the sustainability of the essential social service provided by hospice societies is inconsistent and irregular: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call upon the Government of British Columbia to recognize the established place of hospice societies in the continuum of palliati

Province as Authority for Orphan Dikes

Whereas climate change is increasing the risk of flooding in many communities in British Columbia; And whereas diking infrastructure is crucial to flood mitigation and the protection of life safety and property: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province of British Columbia to immediately initiate a program to assume responsibility for the 100 orphan dikes in BC where there is no delegated authority and initiate a plan to upgrade and repair these structures where warranted.

Alternative Crime Reduction Strategies

Whereas there is a perception by the public that property crime, street crime and disorderly conduct are increasing, resulting in decreases in their quality of life and their confidence in the justice system; And whereas property crime, street crime and disorderly conduct arise from a complex set of conditions engendered by addiction, homelessness, poverty and illness; And whereas there is a public perception that the justice system makes decisions in relative isolation from the community and views property crime as a nuisance rather than a crime creating a revolving door for repeat offen

Restoring Provincial Support for Public Libraries

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources including Internet, computers, digital tools and in-person services from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services that support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and th

Restoring Provincial Support for Public Libraries in BC

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely financed by levies paid by local governments, and where provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 10 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources including internet, computers, digital tools and in-person services from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services that support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and th

Discriminatory Covenants

Whereas the issue of outdated covenants that contain discriminatory language is one that affects municipalities across the Province; And whereas it is cost-prohibitive for local governments to individually and proactively identify and report covenants containing discriminatory language to the Land Title and Survey Authority LTSA: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province: 1direct the Registrar of the LTSA to proactively search for and identify discriminatory language contained in registered covenants; and 2provide the Registrar of the LTSA with the ability to delete an

Fire Department Medical First Responder Program

Whereas volunteer fire departments throughout the province opt to provide Emergency Medical Assistance to enhance public safety in their communities which is valuable where there are long travel and wait times for BC Ambulance, or in circumstances when the BC Ambulance Service is experiencing high call volumes; And whereas the Province has undertaken a review of the Emergency Medical Assists Regulation Schedule 1 Services License Category that recommends increasing the minimum scope of skill services; And whereas increased training requirements on volunteer fire departments will have a p

Library Funding

Whereas libraries in British Columbia are largely funded by the property tax base of local governments, and provincial library funding has remained stagnant for the past 13 years; And whereas public libraries are central to communities, providing equitable access to vital resources, including internet, computers, digital library tools and in-person services from expert staff; And whereas public libraries provide British Columbians with low-barrier services, that support job seekers and small businesses, that increase literacy in communities, that advance reconciliation with Indigenous p

Provincial Follow Through on Population-Based Funding

Whereas there is a widespread shortage of physicians across BC; And whereas many cities within British Columbia are experiencing significant population growth resulting in corresponding pressure on healthcare services; And whereas a networked approach to healthcare is both more efficient and effective for our communities, especially in the form of Patient Care Networks; And whereas, despite many years of work and investment by local communities and Divisions of Family Practice, the Provinces commitment to Population-Based Funding has slowed or stalled, without an alternative funding mode

Emergency Response Capacity of Front-Line Housing Workers Addressing Overdose

Whereas the growing opioid crisis is taking a toll on the police, fire and ambulance services of BC communities, with adverse effects on morale, recruitment, retention and budgets, that are making it difficult to sustain these services; And whereas the use of uniformed first responders in addressing overdose is often highly traumatizing and ineffective for patients; And whereas therapeutic staff working on the frontline in housing facilities, drop-in centres, and overdose prevention sites are prepared and willing to deliver emergency medical response, but are required to call 9-1-1 for ev