Support Flood Recovery that Creates Safe Communities and Healthy, Resilient Ecosystems

Whereas the tragic flood events of November 2021 highlighted that conventional approaches to managing floods have not ensured public safety, lead to province-wide disruptions of infrastructure and food supply, weakened our flood storage capacity in the floodplain and further degraded the ecological health; And whereas many flood control structures e.g.

Encouraging Safe and Affordable Housing

Whereas the availability of safe and affordable housing is an ongoing crisis in Canada that is worsening and which requires urgent and bold action; And whereas secondary suites are often not built with permits or registered with local governments because owners may wish to avoid paying income tax on the suite revenues, resulting therefore in some secondary suites not being built or being built unsafely without permits: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government provide tax exemptions for all income derived from the rental of secondary suites as a measure to en

Family Physician Crisis

Whereas British Columbias system of family physicians is in crisis and it is estimated that close to one million British Columbians 20 per cent of the population is without a family doctor and, therefore, without longitudinal care; And whereas many senior citizens, people with chronic health concerns, and those requiring prescription refills and regular health check-ups are without a reliable means of care as doctors leave their practices through retirement and for other health care opportunities, walk-in clinics close, and hospital emergency rooms are overwhelmed: Therefore be it res

Island Rail Corridor

Whereas the EN Rail Corridor, now known as the Island Corridor, which has connected Vancouver Island communities, businesses and services for more than 135 years is at risk of being lost forever by March 15, 2023 without the financial support and commitments of the provincial and federal governments; And whereas because 80 per cent of Vancouver Islands population lives within five kilometres of the corridor, it presents viable options for commuter and inter-regional passenger rail, as well as strong economic opportunities for excursion and freight services that will reduce traffic congesti

Used Tire Collection

Whereas the Tire Stewardship of BC website identifies Regional Transfer Stations in the north as the only location within small rural communities to which used tires can be returned for recycling and Various Regional Districts have notified the public that they will no longer accept used tires for recycling at the Regional Transfer Stations due to space constraints and collection issues; And whereas the loss of used tire collections sites within rural areas will result in the public discarding used tires on Crown Land along Forest Service Roads and within Gravel Pits; thus, defeating the Pr

Ambulance Services

Whereas the ongoing shortage of labour in Ambulance Services throughout rural BC is prevalent in most communities outside of large urban centres; And whereas BC Emergency Health Services BCEHS ambulance service is a vital component of life safety and access to healthcare for those who live and work in small rural communities, which are often a significant distance from fully-equipped hospitals: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to provide funding for increased wages and training opportunities to assist with recruiting and retention of workers in the BCEHS.

Provincial Consultation with Local Governments

Whereas Section 2 of the Community Charter states that consultation is a key principle defining the local governmentprovincial government relationship and acknowledges that the residents of BC are benefited when both local and provincial governments work together; And whereas provincial policies such as the Caribou Recovery Program, Old Growth Forest Policy Review and the Provinces decision not to appeal the Supreme Courts decision in Yahey v.

Public Geoscience to Inform Decisions and Build Back Better

Whereas BC local governments wish to make decisions about building back better in a smart, sustainable way that creates jobs and achieves net-zero emissions; And whereas Geoscience BC generates independent, relevant, public earth science research and data about British Columbias minerals, energy and water resources: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province of British Columbia work with Geoscience BC and the Government of Canada to continue funding for Geoscience BC to undertake critical earth science research that helps achieve net-zero emission targets, builds partnersh

Community Forests Escalating Stumpage

Whereas the tabular stumpage rate system that currently applies to community forest agreements provides the means through which community forests innovate, operate in contentious areas, invest in long-term forest stewardship and provide jobs and other benefits to their communities; And whereas the ability of community forests to innovate and invest in community priorities including climate change adaptation, wildfire risk reduction, ecosystem restoration, old growth management, recreational infrastructure development, and community economic development relies upon the current stumpage rates

Rural Medical Locum Funding

Whereas there is a critical lack of medical professionals in smaller rural communities for people who require medical care; And whereas there is inadequate funding to support small to mid-sized communities to attract medical locums: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the health authorities and the provincial government to further support and evaluate funding or other assistance for placing medical locums in smaller rural communities.