Extreme Weather Response Shelters

Whereas the Province, through BC Housing, supports emergency shelters and temporary winter shelters that are operational from November 1 to March 31, but not outside of that period: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to re-establish extreme weather response shelters funding to enable local governments to open an extreme weather response shelter for homeless and vulnerable populations, when Environment Canada issues an extreme weather alert for any conditions including cold or heat.

Enhanced Communications to Address Homelessness Related Issues

Whereas there has been limited communication with local governments regarding provincial COVID-19 response initiatives to ensure the health and safety of individuals experiencing homelessness and local governments play an integral ongoing role in supporting individuals experiencing homelessness through the support of non-profits, emergency response services, pursuing long-term affordable housing options, and formal communication between governments is vital to enhance homelessness response and support initiatives; And whereas homelessness response actions undertaken by the provincial gover

Long-term Strategy to Address Homelessness

Whereas homelessness is an undesirable situation in every community in BC; And whereas homelessness is a complex issue which may involve mental illness, addictions, systemic racism, and lack of appropriate housing options and supports: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the provincial government to develop a long-term strategy to eliminate homelessness, and in the meantime, fund year-round day programming and drop in spaces for the homeless population.

Farmers Markets as Essential Services During Local Emergencies

Whereas farmers markets are a key resource in addressing food security during an emergency by providing access to food quickly and efficiently; And whereas it has been demonstrated that farmers markets can replace disruptions to food supply chains at the local community level and in times of emergency, for instance in the case of the Quesnel Farmers Market during the 2017 Cariboo Chilcotin wildfires and the closure of Highway 97 over multiple days: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Province take the necessary steps to ensure farmers markets are identified as an essentia

Dental Health

Whereas dental health is a critical component to health and a key indicator of healthy childhood development, while poor dental health contributes to speech impediments, lower nutritional absorption and growth development, pain, learning inequality, and other health and quality of life issues; And whereas dental care is not a universally accessible service in British Columbia for all residents of British Columbia, while the provincial government has made statements of their support for this resolution in the past: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Ministry of Health com

Increase Supported Child Development Funding

Whereas the Supported Child Development community-based program funded by the Ministry of Children and Development provides extremely valuable assistance for families of children with extra support needs to access inclusive child care; And whereas the funding for this program is inadequate to meet family needs resulting in years-long waitlists: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to increase the Supported Child Development funding.

Implement Early Childhood Education Provincial Wage Grid

Whereas affordable, quality child care provides the foundation for lifelong success and benefits to society overall, and child care is important for the economy and quality of life for British Columbians; And whereas one of the greatest barriers to increasing child care spaces is the lack of qualified Early Childhood Educators: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to support the Early Childhood Educators of British Columbia and the coalition of Child Care Advocates proposal to implement a competitive, publicly funded Early Childhood Education Provincial Wage Grid, made pos

Aging in Place

Whereas aging in place keeps seniors close to home, where their partner, family or friends are better able to provide loving support, which improves quality of life for all; And whereas the gap between rural heath care needs and capacity is growing; And whereas concentrating health services in regional centers transfers a significant economic burden to individuals in the form of transportation costs, increased energy consumption and housing in-affordability; And whereas our elderly, and all patients, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect, not as users: Therefore be it resolved

Cost-Sharing Model for Funding Hospital Capital Projects

Whereas under the current funding model the Province provides funding for capital projects related to building and maintaining hospital infrastructure that is equivalent to a proportion not exceeding 60 percent of the cost, with 40 percent being cost-shared by the regional hospital districts; And whereas this formula results in increases to local property taxation for regional hospital districts at levels that are unsustainable, given the diverse and growing demands on taxation dollars faced by local governments and the increasing costs of capital infrastructure projects: Therefore be it