Support for a Provincial Code of Conduct for Local Government Elected Officials

Whereas there is no current legislation to hold elected officials, across the province, to a consistent set of standards of accountability for their behavior and actions; And whereas elected officials should have a right to a respectful and safe workplace; The Resolutions Committee advises that the UBCM membership has not previously considered a resolution calling on the Province to develop a code of conduct, which is informed by a review of elected official experiences and with input from equity seeking groups, that is overseen by the Province, so that all elected officials have access t

Implementing No Barrier Housing

Whereas BC Housing works in partnership with private and non-profit sectors, provincial health authorities and ministries, other levels of government and community groups to implement the BC Housing Action Plan to develop a range of housing options for individuals and families; And whereas the 201920 to 202122 Action Plan identifies reasons for loss of housing being illness or medical conditions, addiction or substance use, lack of affordability or job loss and intimate partner conflict or abuse; And whereas operational rules with low and high-barrier options may prevent the receipt of

Non-Standard Hours Child Care Services

Whereas the Province has implemented programs to encourage and support the creation of new child care spaces in communities throughout BC; And whereas many local governments have identified a gap in the provision of non-standard hours child care spaces, including services available on weekends, evenings, overnight, and on statutory holidays: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the provincial government provide incentives to encourage child care providers to offer a range of child care services for parents who work non-standard hours and need child care services on weekends, ev

Provincial Approval Processes for Local Government Development and Infrastructure Projects

Whereas significant local government development projects may require approvals from one or more provincial ministry before they can proceed; And whereas provincial approval can be granted in many different forms, including Water Sustainability Act Section 11 Change Approvals, provincial water lot leases, and approval of certain municipal bylaws; And whereas delays in receiving provincial approvals add cost and uncertainty for all involved in development projects: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM urge the provincial government to review its permitting processes that relate to local gov

Proposed Soil Relocation Regulations

Whereas the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy released in early 2021 an Intentions Paper on regulating soil relocation outlining proposed amendments to the BC Contaminated Sites Regulation that if adopted, will lead to significant costs related to land development in BC where clean soil is required to be removed or deposited; And whereas options exist to ensure clean soil is managed in a manner that is sensitive to the surrounding environment at sites that require soil for development without requiring costly and prescriptive engineered solutions: Therefore be it re

Cancellation of the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program

Whereas the Ministry of Municipal Affairs announced in May 2021, without consultation, the cancellation of the of the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program CARIP without identifying any new funding for the development, implementation or administration of local government climate action programs, undermining the ability of local governments to participate in climate action initiatives; And whereas 187 local governments in British Columbia have voluntarily signed onto the Climate Action Charter and by doing so have been able to access the Climate Action Revenue Incentive Program; And w

Provincial Support for TRC, MMIWG2S and UNDRIP

Whereas local governments in British Columbia are integral for the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission TRC of Canada Calls to Action, Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls and Two-Spirit People, MMIWG2S Calls for Justice, and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples UNDRIP, but have the least resources to do the work meaningfully; And whereas local governments are committed to advancing truth, justice, and reconciliation, and understanding that each Indigenous community has different and diverse histories, making local context and consultation cri

Black Lives Matter

Whereas the federal and provincial governments have stated that their work at the federal and provincial levels is underway to address the elements of institutional racism across Canada and the Province of British Columbia; And whereas there is a systemic disadvantage imposed on Black members of our community: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Prime Minister, the Premier of British Columbia, and all federal and provincial ministers responsible for education, employment, housing, mental health, and policing to review and report on elements of institutional racism that may be

Housing in Rural British Columbia

Whereas housing shortages impede the livability of British Columbians and impact a rural communitys ability to attract and retain professional talents and labour thereby negatively affecting the economy; And whereas there has been a demonstrated need, transferred social responsibility and pressure on rural local governments that lack the financial capacity and professional expertise to develop lands suitable for various forms of housing to encourage small scale developers to construct such housing: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of BC to create funding programs to e

Unauthorized Camping Crisis

Whereas unauthorized camping has affected in negative ways residents, businesses, the environment and, in many cases, those experiencing homelessness throughout the province; And whereas the COVID-19 Pandemic has exacerbated the effects of, and very significantly increased the occurrences of, unauthorized camping: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Province to prioritize working with local governments in understanding the effects of unauthorized camping on all parties and actively participate in mitigating those that are deleterious to the health and welfare of people, to the e