Primary Care Network Funding

Whereas many British Columbians in the province do not have appropriate access to primary care services; And whereas the Province introduced team based primary care clinics to serve and build inter-disciplinary primary care teams in each community to ensure patients are at the center of health care delivery: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM ask the Ministry of Health to establish team based primary care clinics in all BC communities.

BC Ambulance Rural Service

Whereas BC Emergency Health Service BCEHSs ambulance service is a vital component of life safety and access to healthcare for those who live and work in small rural communities, often a significant distance from fully-equipped hospitals; And whereas the BC Ambulance Service within rural BC is under critical paramedic shortage and often there is not adequate availability of paramedics, leading to significant shift vacancies and underserviced ambulance for prolonged period of times.

Emergency Health Services Adequate Staffing in Communities

Whereas the residents of the Province of British Columbia deserve timely and professional emergency health care services when health emergencies occur; And whereas many rural communities lack after hour and weekend access to medical clinics or hospitals in their communities; And whereas the BC Emergency Health Services prioritization model often takes ambulance crews from smaller rural communities to provide service to larger communities, leaving rural communities with limited or no ambulance resources within the community, significantly increasing ambulance response times: Therefore be

Regional Model for Mobile Crisis Response Car Program

Whereas a Mobile Crisis Response Car Program, such as is the Car 67 model which pairs an RCMP officer with a mental health care provider to address mental health calls, has been in place for some local governments for decades and has been well received; And whereas an integrated robust health care regional model would have value, eliminating jurisdictional policy lines based on local government boundaries for a regional model that follows Health Authority boundaries: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province to provide an integrated health care regional model for a Mobile

Detox and Treatment Beds, and Sobering Centres

Whereas local governments across BC work with business and neighbourhood associations, health authorities, social service providers, and provincial organizations to identify resources or programs that will support a safe and secure community for all; And whereas many local governments are in need of more detox beds, treatment beds and a sobering centres in their communities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request that the Minister of Health and the Minister of Mental Health and Addictions address the need for an increase in detox beds and treatment beds, and sobering centres that in

Improved Access to Detox and Treatment Centres

Whereas there are extensive wait lists and limited access for individuals seeking entry to provincially funded residential detox and recovery treatment centres; And whereas individuals struggling with addiction are often required to complete medical detox prior to accessingobtaining rehabilitation treatment: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province to improve access to and reduce wait times for individuals seeking treatment for their addictions through medical detox and rehabilitation treatment centres.

Streamlined Funding Overdose Prevention

Whereas overdose from illicit drug toxicity is now the leading cause of unnatural death in BC and the BC Center for Disease Control advises that wide access to harm reduction and development of a comprehensive system of care remain key goals for saving and improving lives; And whereas the Province of BC has made funding grants available to eligible agencies to provide initiatives for harm reduction and access to treatment centres for those at risk of drug overdose: Therefore be it resolved that the UBCM lobby the Province of BC to streamline, expedite and increase the grant funding proces

Opioid Crisis

Whereas it is understood that opioid addictions continue to cause an ever growing record number of heart breaking deaths and debilitations across the country; And whereas while we understand the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia have recognized these impacts, it remains critically important to advocate for a national public health emergency through the municipal voices provided by the Union of British Columbia Municipalities UBCM and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities FCM: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM requests the Government of Canada and the Province

Additional Resources for Mental Health

Whereas substance abuse is considered to be a pandemic mental health disorder across Canada; And whereas there are insufficient services available to assist those suffering through this pandemic who want to detox and rehabilitate themselves: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Provincial Ministry of Health to provide additional resources to fund more services and beds for rehabilitation.

Mental Health and Addiction Support During the Pandemic

Whereas the negative mental health and addiction impacts on British Columbians associated with the COVID-19 pandemic have further intensified the pre-existing challenges faced by community mental health services to keep pace with the needs of our communities, as evidenced by several past UBCM-endorsed resolutions; And whereas the COVID-19 pandemic has created a need for additional provincial funding resources to support the increased demand on already-stretched community services, including emergency services and front line workers: Therefore be it resolved that the Government of BC incre