Canada Posts Neighbourhood Mail

Whereas Canada Posts Neighbourhood Mail unaddressed bulk mail was a cost effective program that allowed local governments and regional districts to mail notices to residents within their boundary; And whereas changes to the program now see unaddressed bulk mail going to precision targeted areas that are no longer aligned with local government and regional district boundaries; And whereas the changes result in properties outside of the local government receiving unaddressed bulk mail that are not relevant to them, and to higher costs for local governments and regional districts conducting

Revenue Sharing

Whereas small, rural communities in British Columbia are surrounded by lands within Regional Districts governed by the Provincial Government that collect revenue from industry for resource extraction from the lands; And whereas the communities adjoining these lands provide services including parks, recreation and roads for the companies and employees and gain no apportionment of the revenue collected for providing these services: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the Province of British Columbia to consider revenue sharing of royalties and taxes with municipalities that provide

Isolation Allowance

Whereas it is challenging to attract and retain employees in isolated communities because of a lack of full services and the extra cost to obtain these services elsewhere; And whereas the provincial and federal governments recognize this challenge by providing isolation allowance to their employees: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial and federal governments provide a tax creditdeduction to all employees living in and around the same communities that those governments recognize with Isolation Allowance.

Share of Liquor Tax for Policing

Whereas the policing cost for the City of Courtenay is one of the most significant expenditures in the Citys financial plan; And whereas the availability of alcohol under the jurisdiction of the BC Liquor Cannabis Regulation Branch can have significant implications on local policing costs: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government be requested to provide a portion of the British Columbia Liquor Tax to communities to be used towards policing costs.

Traffic Control and Enforcement on Rural Roads

Whereas the Province and the RCMP have limited resources to regulate and enforce traffic regulations on Provincial roads in rural areas; And whereas the lack of visible presence and consistent enforcement of traffic regulations by the RCMP results in unchecked speeding, reckless driving, illegal parking and other unsafe conditions on rural roads: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia increase resources for regulation and enforcement of traffic regulations on rural roads.

Improvement District Governance Policy

Whereas many improvement districts are wrestling with increased costs for replacing and improving water infrastructure, and in finding adequate sources of funding; And whereas the residents of improvement districts contribute tax monies to the provincial and federal governments: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM work with the Province and the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to change the Improvement District Governance Policy to allow citizens residing in improvement districts equal access to provincial and federal infrastructure grant monies.

Regulate and Enforce Vehicle Parking on Provincial Roads

Whereas regional districts have not been granted the authority to regulate vehicle parking on roadways in rural areas; And whereas the Province and the RCMP have limited resources to regulate and enforce the increased volume of vehicles parked illegally on roads and right-of-ways that cause congestion and unsafe conditions for other vehicles, pedestrians and emergency first responders: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia extend authority to regional districts to regulate and enforce vehicle parking on provincial roads and right-of-ways.

Traffic Calming

Whereas regional district efforts to build more complete, compact communities within electoral areas have increased pedestrians and cyclists on roads in areas designated for growth; And whereas the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on roads in rural areas designated for growth would be enhanced with traffic calming measures designed to reduce vehicle speeds and prioritize non-motorized traffic: Therefore be it resolved that the Provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure develop new criteria and standards for traffic calming in areas designated for growth in Electoral Area

Vancouver Island Transportation Master Plan

Whereas a Vancouver Island Transportation Master Plan would outline Inter-Regional necessary improvement to the Island transportation network; And whereas the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure has the ultimate responsibility for transportation planning on Vancouver Island: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia prepare a Vancouver Island Transportation Master Plan.

Property Transfer Tax Redistribution for Affordable Housing

Whereas affordable housing for low-income citizens is in critical need and is currently severely challenged by current supply conditions and lack of adequate funding; And whereas the Province of British Columbia collects approximately 2 billion annually through the Property Transfer Tax: Therefore be it resolved the UBCM petition the Province of British Columbia to provide an annual redistribution of the Property Transfer Tax to local governments across the Province for the specific purpose of addressing affordable housing.