Traffic Calming

Nanaimo RD

Whereas regional district efforts to build more complete, compact communities within electoral areas have increased pedestrians and cyclists on roads in areas designated for growth; And whereas the safety of pedestrians and cyclists on roads in rural areas designated for growth would be enhanced with traffic calming measures designed to reduce vehicle speeds and prioritize non-motorized traffic: Therefore be it resolved that the Provincial Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure develop new criteria and standards for traffic calming in areas designated for growth in Electoral Areas.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure Government is committed to improving our transportation networks to connect British Columbians and is focused on working in partnerships with communities to improve province-wide walking, cycling and other active networks. The Ministry partnered with the Transportation Association of Canada TAC to develop the Canadian Traffic Calming Guide which was released in February 2018. In summer 2019, the Ministry released the Active Transportation Design Guide to transform the way we get around. This guide is a detailed planning and engineering reference that provides practical guidance for active transportation infrastructure for jurisdictions of all sizes throughout the province. The guide builds on international best practices and references The Canadian Guide to Traffic Calming. The Ministry encourages local and regional government agencies to review the Active Transportation Design Guide and provide feedback on its contents. The guide can be found here:…

Convention Decision