Statutory Advertising Regulations

Whereas many constituents are accessing community news and current events through daily and weekly online publications; And whereas municipalities should be free to advertise mandated notices additionally or exclusively in these daily and weekly online publications: Therefore be it resolved that the definition of Newspaper in section 29 of the Interpretation Act, be amended to include online publications including similar criteria related to content and publication intervals to print newspapers.

Development Cost Charges

Whereas the Local Government Act currently restricts the imposition of Development Cost Charges to areas of sewage, water, drainage, highway facilities and park land; And whereas new development creates capital cost burdens on municipalities in other areas, such as emergency services, solid waste management, and recreational and cultural facilities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the provincial government amend the Local Government Act to allow for the imposition of Development Cost Charges in areas other than sewage, water, drainage, highway facilities and park land.

Property Taxation

Whereas Section 193 of the Community Charter restricts a municipality from imposing fees or taxes except as expressly authorized under the Community Charter or another Act; And whereas urban sprawl creates higher infrastructure costs, transportation costs, and other expenses borne by society; And whereas municipalities attempt to control urban sprawl whilst encouraging healthier lifestyles and alternative modes of transportation: Therefore be it resolved that the provincial government amend the Community Charter to allow municipalities to adjust their property tax rates by setting densit

Modernization of Utility Taxation

Whereas Section 6442 of the Local Government Act is intended to define the requirements of a 1 per cent annual tax on utilities carrying on business in a municipality; And whereas utility company services have expanded beyond electrical light, electric power, telephone, water, gas or television services to include Internet and cellular services: Therefore be it resolved that the Province initiates the modernization of Section 6442 of the Local Government Act to include Internet and cellular services.