Reform of Development Finance Tools

Whereas existing tools for funding community amenities and infrastructure enhancements, including Development Cost Charges, are inflexible and were not designed for urban municipalities in addressing contemporary issues including provision of affordable housing and transit enhancements; And whereas the shortcomings of existing mechanisms for extracting amenities and contributions from new development has resulted in a patchwork of ad hoc systems and approaches which differ by local government and require lengthy site-by-site negotiations and rezonings to implement: Therefore be it resolve

Wildfire Smoke

Whereas wildfire smoke is increasingly present in and around the Province of BC during the summer months; And whereas wildfire smoke negatively impacts human health and the publics comfort and ability to enjoy the natural beauty of the Province of BCs parks and beaches, which has a negative impact to the economy of our Province: Therefore be it resolved that the Province take a more proactive role in assessing risks associated with exposure to wildfire smoke and create decision making tools to assist communities in determining what measures should be taken to mitigate those risks.

Management of Provincially Regulated Utilities in Municipal Highways

Whereas, under the Community Charter, the soil and freehold of every highway is vested in the municipality and a municipal Council may regulate and prohibit in relation to all uses of or involving a highway but subject to the Utilities Commission Act and to all orders given under that Act; And whereas, the British Columbia Utilities Commission has full and exclusive jurisdiction to hear and determine any matter within its authority under the Utilities Commission Act and permits provincially regulated pipelines to be located within municipal highways despite objections from municipalities

Development Cost Charges Legislation

Whereas the Local Government Act currently restricts the collection of Development Cost Charges to areas of sewage, water, drainage, roads and park land; And whereas new development creates capital cost burdens on municipalities in other areas, such as, but not limited to, emergency services, artificial sports fields, and recreation and cultural facilities: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM lobby the provincial government to conduct a holistic review of the Development Cost Charges legislation and update the Best Practices Guide to address the outdated provision regarding eligible costs

Creation of Office of the Renters Advocate

Whereas the retention of residential tenancy is having a critical impact on the security and stability of residents, seniors and families throughout the province of British Columbia; And whereas the retention of workers in all sectors of our local economy is visibly linked to shelter affordability; And whereas previous provincial government policies or lack thereof are clearly a contributing factor to the current situation of rental sustainability and home ownership affordability; And whereas many local governments struggling to address this crisis have limited resources or powers to be

Fresh Voices LostVotes Campaign

Whereas the Province of British Columbia has the governing authority to implement electoral legislative changes including allowing for Permanent Residents to vote in municipal elections; and And whereas more than 45 countries have granted Permanent Residents some form of voting rights including seven jurisdictions in the US and 25 European Union countries; and 11 municipalities in Canada are working toward extending local election voting rights to Permanent Residents: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM request the Province of British Columbia make the necessary changes to allow Permanent

Support of Indigenous Court System

Whereas the rate of Indigenous men and women in the Canadian federal and provincial criminal incarceration systems is disproportionately high; And whereas 3 of the population identify as Indigenous and the Indigenous population in our prison system is 27 men and an alarming 38 women; And whereas cultural and spiritual reconnection is facilitated through the guidance of Indigenous Elders and families and the Indigenous Court: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM and FCM lobby the Canadian federal and provincial governments to fund and expand the Indigenous Court System.

AllOnBoard Campaign

Whereas the City of New Westminster has recognized and has demonstrated over the past years its commitment to the health and well-being of its residents, and lack of transportation is one of the most common reasons for missing medical appointments and a significant barrier to social inclusion and labour market inclusion for low income adults and youth; And whereas the AllOnBoard campaign, concerned agencies in New Westminster and through-out Metro Vancouver, and directly impacted youth and adult community members have brought to the attention of the City of New Westminster the direct harm

BCEHS Dispatching Protocols

Whereas local governments have recently been made aware that BCEHS has implemented a new process, the clinical response model for assigning paramedics, ambulances, and other resources to 911 calls, and as part of this new process, BCEHS has decided that in some cases depending on the condition of the patient, it will no longer require the support of other first responder agencies such as fire rescue services; And whereas fire rescue staff are well equipped to provide support to first responders, this ten minute window is a critical period of time and the condition of the patient can be det

Call to Action On Global Climate Emergency

Whereas the earths global climate has now tipped into an arguably irreversible and critical path, bringing unprecedented weather extremes and causing catastrophic loss of life and costly damage to property, crops and livestock, And whereas these extremes are challenging the habitability of vast regions of the earth due to rising oceans, repetitive flooding, drought and wildfire devastation, And whereas an unprecedented and rapid rise in the extinction of our planets species of plants, animals and indigenous cultures is causing an irreversible biodiversity crisis which is further accelerat