AllOnBoard Campaign

Whereas the lack of transportation is one of the most common reasons for missing medical appointments and a significant barrier to social inclusion, access to social services and labour market inclusion for low income adults and youth; And whereas the AllOnBoard Campaign has demonstrated the direct harm that is brought to low income adults and youth due to fare evasion ticketing, resulting in bad credit ratings because of unpaid fines: Therefore be it resolved that TransLink be requested to adopt a poverty reductionequity mandate in order to address the outstanding issue of lack of afford

Water Sustainability Act Section 11 Change Approvals Review Times

Whereas the Province administers and processes Water Sustainability Act Section 11 Change Approvals Change Approvals to authorize users to make complex changes in and about a stream; And whereas the Province no longer commits to completing Change Approval reviews within 140 days of receipt of the application, causing excessive delays that result in increased project costs, missed funding opportunities and uncertainty in project timelines: Therefore be it resolved that the Province must re-commit to processing Change Approvals within 140 days of receipt; And be it further resolved that th

Outstanding Statutory Rights of Way

Whereas there are many situations throughout BC where municipal utilities are located within private property and no associated statutory right of way or easement was registered against title to the property in the Land Title Office at the time of installation many years ago; And whereas municipalities are often responsible for or are willing to assume responsibility for these utilities within private property because they are of benefit to the public and essential to the operation and maintenance of municipal services: Therefore be it resolved that that the provincial government work wit

Funding for Climate Change Adaptation - Flood Protection

Whereas flood protection works are deficient in many areas throughout the Province of British Columbia and, in many areas, are adjacent to Wildlife Management Areas or environmentally protected areas; And whereas climate change is increasing the risk of flooding in many coastal communities due to long term sea level rise; And whereas there are limited funds to address long term dike improvement works: Therefore be it resolved that senior levels of government work with local governments to fund and assist in implementing a streamlined approvals process for long term flood protection adapt

Money Laundering Counter-Measures in Casinos

Whereas there is credible evidence that links casinos in British Columbia to organized crime and money-laundering on a very large scale; And whereas the current regulatory and monitoring system has failed to stop money fraud in BC casinos: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Government be requested to take immediate steps to address money laundering in casinos, and to undertake an evaluation of cashless gaming systems, whereby account-based card technologies are used to verify player identity and track gambling transactions on all gaming devices.

Preservation of Archaeological Artifacts

Whereas local governments routinely undertake excavation works for road, sewer and water services for their communities; And whereas excavations, particularly in coastal areas, may uncover archaeological sites which are protected under the provincial Heritage Conservation Act; And whereas the costs incurred by local government are often impossible to predict and may significantly impact the final costs of the project: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Government be requested to fund additional expenditures borne by local governments to record and document archaeological findings in ac

Removing Cap on Candidate Contribution to Their Own Campaign

Whereas under the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act LECFA, candidate contribution limits have been established which now put a cap on how much a candidate may contribute to his or her own campaign; And whereas candidates who wish to fund their own campaigns without seeking external campaign contributions are now extremely limited in how much they can spend on their campaigns: Therefore be it resolved that the Province amend the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act to raise the cap on how much a candidate may contribute to his or her own campaign from 1,200 to 5,000 per year.

Tax Credit for Local Government Election Candidate Campaign Contributions

Whereas tax credits are available for campaign contributions made to candidates in provincial and federal elections but are not available for campaign contributions made to candidates in local government elections; And whereas there is not the same incentive for individuals to contribute to local government election campaigns as there is for provincial and federal election campaigns: Therefore be it resolved that the Income Tax Act RSBC 1996 Chapter 215 be amended to provide for the issuance of tax credits for campaign contributions made to candidates in local government elections.

Broaden the Allowable Uses of Parkland Development Cost Charges

Whereas the BC government has determined that Parkland Development Cost Charges DCCs cannot be used to fund sport-related park infrastructure such as synthetic turf fields, tennis or basketball courts, water spray parks, swimming pools and arenas; And whereas municipalities can use Parkland DCCs to provide fencing, landscaping, drainage and irrigation, trails, rest-rooms, changing rooms and playground and playing field equipment and there is tangible evidence that new development directly impacts the demand for sport-related park infrastructure through increased attendance at municipal rec