Call to Action On Global Climate Emergency

LMLGA Executive

Whereas the earths global climate has now tipped into an arguably irreversible and critical path, bringing unprecedented weather extremes and causing catastrophic loss of life and costly damage to property, crops and livestock, And whereas these extremes are challenging the habitability of vast regions of the earth due to rising oceans, repetitive flooding, drought and wildfire devastation, And whereas an unprecedented and rapid rise in the extinction of our planets species of plants, animals and indigenous cultures is causing an irreversible biodiversity crisis which is further accelerating the catastrophic impact to our planet, And whereas the collapse of ecosystems threatens all life on earth, And whereas the United Nations International Panel on Climate Change concluded that current levels of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide in our atmosphere are higher than at any point over the past 800,000 years, and their ability to trap heat is changing our climate in multiple ways. Therefore be it resolved that UBCM supports a call to action and asks all orders of Government including local government to adopt climate emergency motions and to take dramatic steps toward the protection of biodiversity and to accelerate the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions which are a primary cause of this climate emergency.

Provincial Response

Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy The Government of BC is committed to addressing the causes and potential impacts of climate change. Government also recognizes the effort local governments are making to prepare for the impacts of climate change and is aware that close to thirty local governments in BC have declared climate emergency declarations. At this time, however, the Province is not considering declaring a climate emergency. In December 2018, the Province released CleanBC, BCs pathway to prosper economically and to meet our climate challenges, including carbon pollution reduction targets and the need to manage climate-related risks. CleanBC is only the beginning of the Provinces efforts. The Climate Action Secretariat CAS has released a province-wide climate risk assessment that will help form the basis of BCs plan for a resilient province. Over the coming year, CAS will be engaging UBCM and local governments and others across BC to help communities identify and respond to potential climate risks. As part of this effort, CAS has completed a citizen engagement process to seek the views of British Columbians on the best ways to prepare for and adapt to risks associated with climate change. The Climate Action Secretariat sits on the UBCM Special Committee on Climate Action that is comprised of elected officials and senior staff for local government along with other representatives from the province, non-governmental organizations, crown corporations and academia. Information and ideas from local governments, along with the results of engagement with Indigenous peoples and others, will inform the development of a provincial Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Discussion Paper April, 2020 and Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy December, 2020. Additionally, in November 2019, the Province passed amendments to the Climate Change Accountability Act to provide better accountability, transparency and more detailed targets for climate action. These amendments include the following: - Strengthen the requirements for the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy Minister and government to report publicly on the Provinces climate action progress. This includes new reporting requirements on actions, their cost and how they will achieve governments legislated emission-reduction targets and manage climate risks. - In 2020, and every fifth year, reporting will include a determination of climate change risks, which will build on BCs Preliminary Strategic Risk Assessment and work done in the interim to assess risks from climate change. - Require the Minister to set sectoral and interim targets following engagement with stakeholders. Interim emissions targets will be established by ministerial order by no later than December 31, 2020. Sectoral targets will be established no later than March 31, 2021. - Give the Minister the regulatory authority to set targets and requirements for provincial public sector buildings, fleets and fuels. - Add more comprehensive requirements for the public sector to manage climate risks. - Appoint an independent advisory committee with representation from local governments that will be modelled on the Climate Solutions and Clean Growth Advisory Council, now that the council has fulfilled its mandate.

Convention Decision