BC Search and Rescue Funding Model

Whereas British Columbias Search and Rescue volunteer organizations provide an indispensable service and demand for Search and Rescue is increasing, in part, as a result of rising recreation tourism driven by Destination BCs marketing campaign Super, Natural British Columbia; And whereas British Columbia Search and Rescue Association BCSRA has requested a predictable and sustainable funding model from the Province since 2013, but there is no such funding in the 2019 provincial budget: Therefore be it resolved that UBCM petition the Province to work with BC Search and Rescue Association t

Tax Exemption for Electric Bicycles

Whereas the sale of bicycles and tricycles, parts for bicycles and tricycles, bicycle and tricycle attachments and bicycle and tricycle accessories are Provincial Sales Tax exempt due to the health and environmental benefits provided by the use of bicycles and tricycles; And whereas the Province of British Columbia through its recent Clean BC plan and 2019 budget has incentivized the transition to electric vehicles through financial incentives: Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be urged to exempt electric bicycles pedal assist from Provincial Sales Tax charges

BC Rail Properties

Whereas BCR Properties Ltd. owns surplus lands not required for railway and port operations and has a mandate to dispose of those lands at the highest price attainable; And whereas for many local governments, these lands can represent critical opportunities relating to diverse social, recreational, economic, environmental and infrastructure needs and purposes: Therefore be it resolved that the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure review and amend the mandate of BCR Properties Ltd.

Food Security

Whereas it is important that BC Communities have a local food system to enable access to affordable and healthy food options and improve community sustainability and BC Communities should encourage awareness about and the expansion of a regional food system; And whereas the provincial government is committed to promoting healthful living and making BC a healthy place to be: Therefore be it resolved that the BC Ministry of Health be requested to initiate programs and partnerships to increase community awareness of the benefits of nutritious and affordable food and support regional initiati

Cost Subsidies for the Termination of Land Use Contracts

Whereas the requirements set out by Province of British Columbia in its Bill 17 2014 regarding Land Use Contract Terminations create significant workload burden for municipalities; Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia be requested to provide funding to municipalities to cover additional Planning Department workload associated with executing the requirements of Bill 17 2014.

Greenhouse Gas Limits for New Buildings

Whereas climate change is recognized to be an urgent concern requiring rapid decarbonization of energy across all sectors, including buildings, in order to achieve 45 GHG emissions reductions by 2030 and net-zero GHG emissions by mid-century, as noted by the IPCC Special Report on 1.5C; And whereas the British Columbia Energy Step Code establishes targets for increasing energy efficiency of new construction, but these may not result in the necessary levels of GHG emissions reductions to support local government GHG reduction targets nor BCs legislated GHG emissions reduction targets; And

Extension of Vacancy Taxation Authority to Local Government

Whereas the Province of British Columbia responded to a housing affordability crisis in 2016 with legislation empowering the City of Vancouver to introduce a surtax on vacant residential properties, resulting in 38 million in revenues for that community in 2018 and creating a strong disincentive to leaving properties vacant; And whereas communities across British Columbia face housing affordability pressures, while a portion of the housing supply in all communities remains vacant; Therefore be it resolved that UBCM call on the Province of British Columbia to extend the authority to introd

Support for Fresh Voices Campaign

Whereas the Province of British Columbia has the governing authority to implement electoral legislative changes including allowing for Permanent Residents to vote in municipal elections; And whereas more than 45 countries have granted Permanent Residents some form of voting rights including seven jurisdictions in the US and 25 European Union countries; and 11 municipalities in Canada are working toward extending local election voting rights to Permanent Residents; Therefore be it resolved that the Province of British Columbia make the necessary changes to allow Permanent Residents to vot

Support for the AllonBoard Campaign

Whereas the City of Port Moody has recognized and has demonstrated over the past years its commitment to the health of its residents, and lack of transportation is one of the most common reasons for missing medical appointments and is a significant barrier to social inclusion; And whereas Port Moody and other municipalities donate to charities which then, out of necessity, pay for transit passes and sometimes fines for low-income individuals, including minors; Therefore be it resolved that the AllonBoard Campaign be endorsed and the TransLink Mayors Council, the Ministry of Municipal Affa

National Healthy School Meal Program

Whereas healthy school meal programs are widely considered to have a positive effect on school performance, as well as cognitive and social-emotional skill development; And whereas many schools are experiencing funding shortfalls for their healthy school meal programs: Therefore be it resolved that the Province be requested to increase investment in school meal programs in BC, working toward a universal meal program in all schools, in alignment with their commitment to health promotion and poverty reduction; And be it further resolved that the federal government and FCM be requested to